
nobody home, no...

    I'm about to leave for bowling. Before I go, I wanted to clarify that I am indeed still self-supporting; that issue is short-term resolved.
    And that I'm sort of dreading bowling, honestly. If I could satisfy the night's social requirements by sitting with my foot up (yes, my toe still hurts), I would be delirious.
    And I guess I could also take this opportunity to say that I'm rejecting comments to the blog that include embedded links to porn sites. So - don't bother leaving them, because I'll just delete them. You know who you are.
    While I'm just spouting random stuff:
    It was cold yesterday. I wore a jacket. It's May. I don't like wearing a jacket in May.
    There's still no outgoing message on my voicemail. Blame it on equal parts laziness (where is the damned manual, anyway?) and lack of inspiration. I want something worthy of my college roommate (oh crap, what did I call him? um...) John's later roommate Mike, who left an unforgettable outgoing message on their machine senior year:
Nobody home
Nobody home
A classic. I need something that will tie together all the various elements that I want to express about myself...oh, blah blah blah. I'm just lazy.
    And the real reason I'm reluctant to go out tonight? The birthday girl - the rationale for this event - is also the cousin of the infamous Nick, and I've got just the most horrible feeling that he's going to show up. In this situation, I would even have to be decent to him. That blows.
    Guess I should throw on some clothes and head over. Glargh.

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