
this is gonna be one busy month

May is...
  • Asian Heritage Month (in Canada)
  • Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month
  • Awareness of Medical Orphans Month
  • Better Hearing and Speech Month
  • Better Sleep Month
  • Borderline Personality Disorder Month (license to be impulsively unstable?)
  • Brain Tumor Awareness Month
  • Correct Posture Month
  • Creative Beginnings Month (it was a dark & stormy night)
  • Family Wellness Month
  • Fibromyalgia Education and Awareness Month
  • Foot Health Month (oh sweet irony)
  • Freedom Shrine Month
  • Get Caught Reading Month
  • Gifts From The Garden Month
  • Go Fetch! Food Drive for Homeless Animals Month
  • Haitian Heritage Month
  • Heal the Children Month
  • Healthy Vision Month
  • Huntington's Disease Awareness Month
  • International Audit Month
  • International Business Image Improvement Month
  • International Victorious Woman Month (I initially read "...voracious")
  • Jewish-American Heritage Month
  • Latino Books Month
  • Lyme Disease Awareness Month National
  • Meditation Month
  • Motorcycle Safety Month
  • National Allergy/Asthma Awareness Month
  • National Arthritis Month
  • National Artisan Gelato Month
  • National Asparagus Month
  • National Barbeque Month
  • National Bike Month
  • National Chocolate Custard Month (OMG are you fucking kidding me?!)
  • National Egg Month
  • National Family Month
  • National Foster Care Month National Good Car Keeping Month
  • National Good Car Keeping Month
  • National Hamburger Month
  • National Hepatitis Awareness Month
  • National High Blood Pressure Month
  • National Macaroon Day
  • National Mental Health Month
  • National Military Appreciation Month National
  • National Moving Month
  • National Mine Month (selfishness or military paraphernalia?)
  • National Osteoporosis Prevention Month
  • National Photo Month
  • National Physical Fitness and Sports Month
  • National Physiotherapy Month
  • National Preservation Month
  • National Revise Your Work Schedule Month
  • National Salad Month
  • National Salsa Month
  • National Share A Story month
  • National Smile Month (From May 18 to June 17)
  • National Strawberry Month
  • National Stroke Awareness Month
  • National Vinegar Month
  • Older Americans Month
  • Personal History Month
  • React Month
  • Strike Out Strokes Month
  • Sweet Vidalia Onions Month
  • Teen Self-Esteem Month
  • Tennis Month
  • Ultra-violet Awareness Month
  • Women's Health Care Month
  • Young Achievers of Tomorrow Month

1 comment:

  1. ...while I initially read "National Reverse Your Work..."

    I vote we change Vinegar Month to Vinegar Second.
