
so what could she fear? ... that he will bind her heart too tightly?

  1. Make a list of 5 things that you can see without getting up:
    1. a couple of things that I need to mail to the 'tucky
    2. a box of candles that are too small for the holders that I have, but so cool that I'm researching holders to buy to fit for them
    3. my phone & iPod, charging side by side
    4. a baseball signed by former MLB/NFL player Brian Jordan
    5. my turquoise-studded cowboy hat

  2. How do you style your hair?
    as casually as possible

  3. What are you wearing now?
    t-shirt & shorts; it's roasting in my apt.

  4. What's your occupation?
    chief of "other duties as assigned"

  5. What do you hear right now?
    car driving by, fridge running (it nevereverever stops), clock ticking

  6. Who was the last person you hugged?
    that is a mystery that will never be solved

  7. What is/was for dinner?
    leftover pizza, in an effort to clean out the fridge prior to a few days away

  8. What did you do today?
    overslept (again), worked (gah), ran errands, packed (also neverending), ate dinner while watching NCIS, and...hung around

  9. Dog person or cat person?
    I adore cats, but I am more like a dog than I am like a cat, to my eternal shame

  10. If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
    'nobody'. (It's a family joke.)

  11. What was the last thing that you bought?
    probably a ruby necklace? Or a turkey sandwich. Depends when those bills are posted.

  12. If you could afford to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
    today, Ireland

  13. Where do you see yourself in five years?
    not. motherfucking. here.

  14. Where's your birthmark?
    there's one on my right foot, and one next to 'grace'

  15. What are you doing this weekend?
    dinner, drinks and a tour on Friday with some friends I haven't seen in like 3 years, and burgers, beer and a movie on Saturday with "meat for sex guy"

  16. Which book are you reading at the moment?
    I'm in the third June of Three Junes, and I'm taking four graphic novels by Jeffrey Brown and Blue Pills by Frederik Peeters and The Hunger Moon: New and Selected Poems, 1980-2010 by Marge Piercy along for the trip.

  17. The last movie you've seen?
    Rushmore. Allegedly going to see one at the theatre on Saturday, though I have such weird theatre karma that I wouldn't bet on it.

  18. What are you doing tomorrow?
    driving. I'll bet you'll never guess where...
[from The Cat - welcome back, love! - who got it here; the title quotation is from Three Junes, by Julia Glass]


  1. I come back, you leave? Hmm :-)

    Be safe, my friend. Going home to watch The Wedding, eh? (lol)

  2. Oh, that's funny. Not hardly! Back on Monday.

  3. "meat for sex guy" so what, he trades you a rib roast for sex then? ;))

  4. pretty much - that's what he offers, anyway. :|

  5. lmao... well, I do know you love roast beef ;)
