
I dislike feeling at home when I am abroad

The 31-Day Photo Challenge

Day 20: Your favorite travel photo
The New Mexico capitol building in Santa Fe, with mountains in the background. The building is circular and very dramatic. The sky there--in Santa Fe--is extraordinarily deep blue and very clear. The mountains seem almost close enough to touch. It is so different from anyplace I'd ever been, so starkly beautiful. It was one of the few places that I've visited that intrigued and simultaneously repelled me; it's so clearly not my home.

[title quotation by George Bernard Shaw]


  1. So, yeah, this looks like home to me. Except the whole circular building thing, I suppose, which is perhaps a tribute to the early peoples of the area.

    Anyway, great, now I'm homesick. ;-)

  2. Anytime you want company for a trip to Santa Fe, I'm with you - as long as you don't want me to drive. {{{*shudder*}}}
