Complete the Sentences:
- Right now I'm feeling... twitchy. Today was not the best of days, and I'm trying to Let It Go. Easier said than done.
- When I'm alone I feel... better, but sometimes lonely.
- When I'm surrounded by people I feel... annoyed.
- One thing I hate is... the windsockness of the MFing windsock in charge of what passes for my professional life right now.
- One thing I really like about myself is... my willingness.
- When I'm feeling sad I... can't, and don't, deal with other people.
- When I daydream it's usually about... quiet, and order.
- I'm afraid of... big dogs, heights, and falling into familiar traps.
- I'm happiest when... things are what they appear to be.
- One thing that really worries me is... when things seem to be going well, for too long.
- If I could change one thing about myself it would be... my sleep debt leaves a bit to be desired.
- If I could be with anyone right now I would be with... someone who'd be mightily surprised to find himself nose-wiggled into this lil' room.
- The family member I am closest to is... my brother.
- If I was really honest with my father I would tell him... that my sister can go jump in a lake for all I care.
- One thing I regret about my life is... waiting so long to start it.
- If I only had one more day to live I would... tell y'all everything I'm holding back for the sake of appearances.
- If I was really honest with my mother i would tell her... that my sister can go jump in a lake for all I care.
- One thing about me that nobody knows is... I think I'm going to die doing this stupid job, living in this stupid, godforsaken place - and thinking about it, much less living it, is a death sentence.
- I hope that someday in the future... I can drive a car that runs on water, man.
- When I think about my [extended] family I feel... affectionate, a little bit frustrated, bewildered, and resigned.
- Something I'm really embarrassed about is... my inability to dance.
- One thing about me I never want to change is... my priorities: read first, sleep later.
- One thing I feel really proud of is... my license.
- Blogsville has helped me to... [OK, ugh, that word is nasty.] Having a blog has helped me channel my thoughts, work through innumerable issues, convey lots of stuff that's inexpressible in standard ways, gossip, vent, gloat, tattle, and stay in contact with a few people I'd never even know otherwise.
- One thing I like about blogsville is... besides the above? The friendships run deep, if they develop at all. There isn't much "acquaintance" here.
I'm pretty sure "Just Dance" on the wii could help you with your ole two left feet. I got to witness three adolescent boys cutting it up last night to Rasputin (repeated three times) - so I think there's hope for you.