
when you walk in, the noise disappears

A is for Age: somewhere between majority and Aquarius

B is for Beer of choice: today, Molson Canadian

C is for Career: stagnant, stalled, and pathetic

D is for favourite Drink: tea

E is for Essential item you use everyday: antihistamine with decongestant

F is for Favourite song at the moment: "I Just Knew" by Better Than Ezra [the title quotation is from  here]

G is for favourite Game: ping pong

H is for Hometown: I don't know anymore

I is for Instruments you play: I probably shouldn't claim anything except some very amateur piano

J is for favourite Juice: pineapple

K is for Kids: signs say No

L is for Last kiss: August-ish

M is for marriage: not for a while now

N is for full Name: N is also for "Not Bloody Likely"

O is for Overnight hospital stays: not since my own birth

P is for phobias: dogs & heights

Q is for quote: "life is hopelessly frayed, all loose ends." [Lyn Hejinian]

R is for biggest Regret: today? Not accepting the clerkship.

S is for sports: I watch several, play a few (rarely)

T is for Time you wake up: too early - usually around 7:30

U is for colour of underwear: pink

V is for Vegetable you love: corn

W is for Worst Habit: stubbornness

X is for X-rays you've had: probably 95% of my body has been x-rayed, and the majority of it numerous times

Y is for Yummy food you make: I've got a consistently good lasagna recipe that's pretty adaptable to various circumstances

Z is for zodiac sign: Virgo, though it really only suits me in certain specific areas

[from The Cat, who got it here]

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