
food is to eat, not to frame and hang on the wall

"Crustache" cookie cutters (3-in-1)
sugar cookie dough - the old family recipe
mustaches, before baking (3 of these were yellow-sugared)
baked mustaches
Alas, no photos of decorated mustaches.
"Ninja-Breadmen" cutters
baked ninjas, cooling
three first-try perfectly-rolled parchment cones - proof that some skills are truly ingrained!
decorated ninjas

[the title quotation is by William Denton]


  1. It's appalling to me that you were making cookies at 10 p.m. It's like every mom's worst nightmare (though around here everything for school has to be store-bought). ;-)

    Also, love the title quote.

  2. You are amazing. --Farmer E.
