
sowed the sky with tiny clouds of love

Today I have been happy.
All the day I held the memory of you, and wove
Its laughter with the dancing light o' the spray,
And sowed the sky with tiny clouds of love,
And sent you following the white waves of sea,
And crowned your head with fancies, nothing worth,
Stray buds from that old dust of misery,
Being glad with new foolish quiet mirth.

[Rupert Brooke, from "One Day" in The Collected Poems of Rupert Brooke]


  1. Well, THIS is ironic in light of your texts last night. lol

    However, I'm pretty sure it's not all about people who share the name of my director.

    1. It's weird - Rupert Brooke always has sort of reminded me of him. But no, this was not about him *at all*, and was pre-posted days ago.

    2. The weird gets weirder.
