
a baby is God's opinion that the world should go on

    Today was a very, very quiet day. After the past week (which has been inordinately busy)--Hell, the last month!--it seemed like it was necessary, though, to quell the sense of exhaustion and unending stress of obligations and stresses. The relief of nothing to do, and all the time in a day to do it.
     On that note (oddly), I'm struggling with a lately-unexplored sensation in regards to the blog: the desire to write is strong, but my well of topics into which to delve is running thin. Part of the problem is that I'm not using my regular computer, which is in storage, so all of my music, poetry, and picture files are in storage along with it. Yes, that means all my creativity either has to come from scratch or be mined from the web, which is a sketchy proposition at best. Anyway, I'm just asking your indulgence if my writing is a more odd than usual over the summer.
     In other news, I am waiting to find out if I'll be taking a short trip next week. Though I'd initially hoped that it could be longer, to accommodate my paternal family reunion (today), there were 'legitimate' work reasons that 'required' that I instead plan to leave next Wednesday. However, I've yet to discover whether my request will be granted. I suppose that last-minute is better than never at all, right?
     The weather here is back to the usual summer tricks. After a week of almost unbearably hot and humid days, we've had a couple of little bouts of rainstorms. Alas, they were so small that they really didn't do much (to my notice) except to add humidity to the air. The temperature was in the 90s today and tomorrow doesn't look to be all that different. I would love to have a couple of days of nonstop rain, though I'm probably the only one. One of my colleagues loves this hot, sticky weather; I'm convinced that she's part snake. It doesn't help that she's been crowing about how "perfect" it's been for the past week--I can't see where she'd be thinking to make any friends that way!
     Finally, my thoughts, as they have so often lately, keep going back to Heidi and her boys. I'm wishing you healthy and happy transitions, at just the right time!

[the title quotation is by Carl Sandburg]


  1. Just exactly how "legitimate" were those work issues? Because, yah know, a family reunion isn't likely to come around too often in comparison with, say, a staff meeting or even being super-busy in Tech Svc.

    Your boss, and snaky coworker, suck. As we used to say in junior high, they suck big green donkey balls. I hate them because of what they've done to you over time.

    1. "legitimate" in quotation marks, I suppose. When one rules a tiny empire, one gets riled about proportionally smaller issues. As always, Pick Your Battles is a rallying cry.

      The snaky one is probably not the coworker you're imagining, so my feelings there are frustration more than anything. But, yeah, you're spot on with the donkey nads.

    2. Ah, well, you're right: I had a specific snake in mind. Maybe you should consider the Despicable Me movies as a training ground for how to be a minion. ;-)

  2. Bring on the odd writing!
