
music hath charms to soothe a savage breast, To soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak

  1. Are you looking forward to fall?
    I am. I love sweater weather, and the return to those sports (though I hate, hate, hate what it does to the tone of discourse on social media; that, even worse than politics, is enough to make me block my friends' feeds and seriously consider moving out of this geographical region). I'm not a huge fan of cold winters, though, so autumn always brings a sense of foreboding.
  2. What are the three best colors for you to wear, and the three worst?
    Best: navy, plum, and cream
    Worst: pink, orange, and yellow
  3. What is your favorite kind of juice? If you are not into juice, you can tell us your favorite flavor of soda, tea, coffee, Tang, mud, etc.
    Juice: pineapple
    Soda: Coke
    Tea: depends on the day. I've a short rotation of Republic of Tea fruit flavors of which I'm fond.
    Coffee: if I'm drinking it, then I've got a throbbing headache and I want it very strong, very sweet, probably chocolate-laced, and either scalding-hot or slushy-iced
    Tang: sure. Even better mixed with Nestea!
    Mud: no thanks, unless that's the colloquial name for the iced coffee drink described above
  4. Have you ever been in the hospital (at least an overnight)? You don't need to share the ailment, but tell us what the longest time is.
    apart from birth (my own!), I've never been in the hospital overnight
  5. Do jingles, songs from ads, and TV or movie themes stick in your head? Do you find yourself singing them? (This question means that I'm trying to find out if I'm the only crazy person who sings quirky stuff!)
    of course. I think that this happens to everyone, regardless of whether they're willing to admit it. I was, for instance, singing the Dubuque Ham jingle with my cousin while we perused the masters room at the MMAM a couple of weeks ago. Mutual brain damage, maybe? We both felt better after we got it out, anyway.
[from The Cat, who got it here; the title quotation is by William Congreve, from The Mourning Bride, (1697). Act I, scene i]


  1. I did not know the rest of the quote...I like the parts I didn't know better than the part I did. ;-)

    I've been singing the Band-Aid commercial all week: "I am STUCK on Bandaid brand 'cause Bandaid's stuck on me!" Make . It . Stop !!

  2. You answer to question #5 is Reason 107 why I am so glad you are my friend.
