
reading a good long novel is in many ways like having a long and satisfying affair

I finally did it: I finished The Wise Man's Fear, by Patrick Rothfuss, which I've been reading in tinier and tinier portions for--holy crap, exactly six months today. I started reading it on October 23, 2013. I just got chills when I figured that out. Who takes six months to read a book? I mean, I've never, ever, in my entire life taken that long to read a book. And it's NOT because I didn't love it. I've had tears running down my face for the last hour, because I knew it would end and I didn't want it to be over yet.

There will be a third book in the series (The Kingkiller Chronicle), release date as yet unknown (by me). (I tend not to believe what I read online.) The first book, The Name of the Wind, was mind-blowing and amazing, too. The combination of the two, though, is...terrific.

I think I need to start over again.

They're that good. The writing, the story, the whole thing. THAT good.

[the title quotation is by Stephen King--and it makes me wonder what he'd say about reading a series?]

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