
beyond the earth and the shadow the brightness of our love will stay alive

  1. Can you think of any questions that aren't already on this survey? yes, there are questions in the universe that have not been asked in this meme
  2. Does sleep seem like a little death to you? no, it seems like the temporary condition that it is
  3. Have you ever seen (and if yes, what did you think of):
    ...Joy Ride?
     never seen it
  4. ...Ghost World? nope
  5. ...Monsters Inc? not in my demographic
  6. ...Queen of the Damned? yes - I didn't love it
  7. ...Office Space? one of the best ever! Damn, it feels good to be a gangster...
  8. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real? pretty young. I'll bet I was three or four? Nothing like a snide older sibling.
  9. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet? sixty or seventy-some?
  10. Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety? I never wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row! What an idea.
  11. How many lovers have you had? enough for a lifetime, plus two
  12. What puts you in the mood for sex? just a look, or the words "Good morning, sunshine"--from the right person
  13. Have you ever had surgery? For what? yes, for serious conditions that go without saying
  14. Have you ever been on alcohol or drugs while at school or work? "on alcohol," how quaint. Yes, there were a few times when I was in college when the line between school and not-school was very blurry. 
  15. What do you think of Martha Stewart? chicken-killing bitch
  16. What do you think of:
    British people? Australians? Americans? Canadians? Mexicans? French people? Germans?
     PEOPLE. They are PEOPLE.
  17. What do you do to cure the hiccups? stand on my head and sip ice water from the left side of my mouth, while breathing only from my right nostril
  18. What is the FIRST thing you do when you come home from school or work? set my bag in its appropriate spot
  19. Are you a slob? selectively, yes. My desk at work is very clean every day when I leave. My bedroom is always tidy - but the living room and dining room are a disaster area. It's paper and dishes that are my problem areas.
  20. Do you have a good work ethic? most of the time, yes. Some of the time, I'm the worst employee ever. Lately, I'm having a really hard time maintaining the illusion.
  21. Are you a pack-rat? recovering. I used to be terrible about it, but since I bought the house I've really given it a hard look. Surrounding myself with things doesn't change the way things are. 
  22. Do you roll your eyes a lot? all the time. I'm notorious for it at work (rolling them dramatically enough that they fall out the back of my head). It's not one of my best traits.
  23. Do you prefer b-sides or remixes? remixes
  24. What makes the world go 'round? love, of course. Or maybe the promise of it.
  25. Do you remember Fat Albert? yup
  26. Do you take things slowly, as they come? I try. Just reading that question, I took a deep breath, huffed out a laugh, and thought about it for a minute. So, yeah: I try.
  27. Are you laid back or tense? 80% laid back, and 20% trash dumpster fire--though the proportion is subject to change without notice
  28. Are you insecure? yeah, I am
  29. Imagine you are working in a soup kitchen. You are supposed to give each person on the line a half a cup of soup. When hungry people come up to you do you just end up emptying the cabinets for them? not "emptying the cupboards," because then where's the half-cup for the rest of the line who are also hungry? But maybe just a tablespoon more...
  30. Why can't we give ourselves one more chance? each of us are harder on ourselves than anyone else is on us. That's the greatest tragedy in life.
  31. Why can't we all just get along? ego and selfishness
  32. What bands do you want to see live that you have never seen? R.E.M., Alkaline Trio, Dave Matthews Band, Elbow--and now a few "new ones" that are really old ones that have just made their way into my radar
  33. Do you like raunchy songs (like that "lick my neck, lick my back, lick my..." song)? I had managed to live my life not knowing anything about that song until this moment. Sad that I had to be educated that way.
  34. Do you think that the Beatles are still the Beatles without John Lennon? another inexplicable question, since the Beatles broke up while the members were all alive, and since then two members have died. So, the Beatles are still the Beatles in one sense, and will never be again in any other sense.
  35. Would you want to see the Sex Pistols without Sid Vicious? nope
  36. Did you think that the members of Nirvana were smart to reform as the Foo Fighters instead of trying to stay Nirvana after Kurt's death? "the members of Nirvana" in Foo Fighters = Dave Grohl. One member "reforming" as Nirvana would have been quite the trick, and totally inappropriate (since FF does their own music, not Nirvana's). 
  37. Do you like the band Squeeze? meh
  38. When you are angry or upset do you know you're being irrational but you can't really stop? it's been known to happen. See question #27, above.
  39. Is there room in your life for one more trip to the moon? my interest in space travel is almost nil, but as long as I (i.e. my tax dollars) do not pay for it, whatever happens is fine with me.
[From the 5000-question meme; this is the second third of the twenty-sixth part (questions 2434-2466). The title quotation is by Pablo Neruda]

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