
you feel you're part of something big and marvelous

  1. How well can you read between the lines when others are talking? it depends on the person. Some people are easier to read--which does not mean that they are shallow, but that our connection is strong. Other people are either more obstructive (their words and meanings are divergent--they don't want to be understood) or we are "on different planes" and any sort of communication will be difficult.
  2. Would you ever speak in front of your peers about peace and social injustice? no
  3. Where does peace begin? depends on the sort of peace
  4. Does America practice the ideals it preaches? some of them. Less so lately.
  5. In conversations, do you assume that you know what will be said? some of them, certainly. Lots of communication has shortcuts. That's one of the joys of friendship, the shorthand and the things that can go unsaid.
  6. If yes, isn't this a form of closing yourself off to new ideas? nope. Or, not always.
  7. In what ways are you closed-minded? I prefer to think that certain people are as flawed as others have implied, so that I don't have to think too much about the ramifications of my own choices.
  8. Do you prefer beans or rice? probably rice, but I like both
  9. Who's a better TV dad: Dr. Huxtable or Danny Tanner? this sort of question is a great example of why I don't have TV anymore
  10. Detroit or New York? Detroit--though I'm open to the idea that I might like New York if I went with someone who really wanted to take me, who was patient with my wide-eyed wonder and undercurrent of trepidation
  11. What's your favourite Star Wars movie? oh blergh. The first one, I suppose?
  12. What's your favourite Star Trek movie? Nemesis, the last of the TNG set
  13. How about Batman? ugh. The first Christian Bale one, maybe?
  14. Indiana Jones? eh. They're all pretty good.
  15. Lord of the Rings? haven't. seen. ANY. of. them.
  16. Harry Potter? ditto--and I never, ever will
  17. If you could ask one question and one question only to the following people, what would that question be?
    ...Saddam Hussein?
    "who really killed you?"
  18. ...George W Bush? "what's the best (personal) thing your parents taught you?"
  19. ...John Lennon? "did you live your life the way you'd have liked to do, looking back?"
  20. ...an alien? "what's it like to move from your country to the U.S.?"
  21. ...God? "is this all ever going to make sense to me?"
  22. ...Someone you knew who has died? "do you know how much you meant to me?"
  23. ...Steven Spielberg? "what's your favorite movie that you didn't make, that you wish you'd been a part of?"
  24. ...JD Salinger? "did you really think you were as hot shit as people said you did?"
  25. Have you seen AI (artificial intelligence)? If yes, what were the beings at the end of the movie? haven't seen it
  26. Do you see this as a possible future for humanity? no clue
  27. What'd you think in general? obviously not enough to see the movie in the first place
  28. Have you ever been to a Broadway show? What one? technically it was "a Broadway show," though it was in Chicago--and it was Mary Poppins. Hard to imagine a less "me" sort of experience, though it was well done and enjoyable for what it was worth.
  29. Nighttime shows or matinees? I prefer evening shows
  30. How are your family get-togethers: loud and rambunctious, or quiet and formal? quiet, but not at all "formal"
  31. Would you be able to survive shipwrecked alone on a desert island? nope. I'm pretty much hopeless in the wild.
  32. Speaking of islands, does Gilligan ever get off his? I think so? Considering what a staple of my upbringing that the show was, I can't recall.
  33. What movie has the best soundtrack? Singles, the 1992 movie with Kyra Sedgwick and Bridget Fonda
  34. Do you ever go into chat rooms? If yes, what ones? are chat rooms even a thing anymore? I sort of nominally chat on FB Messenger sometimes, but with someone who doesn't have the app, so it's more like sending a series of very short messages.
  35. Is English your first language? If not...How you say hello in your language? English is my first language
  36. How would you celebrate these holidays?
    ...Dogs in Politics day:
    apt for the current administration
  37. ...Magic circles day: Pagan rituals, anyone?
  38. ...Be bald and free day: 4/20 in A2...
  39. ...National mole day: another thing that's coming soon, I'm sure
  40. ...Increase your psychic powers day: I'll meditate on that and get back to you
  41. ...Waiting for the barbarians day: I have a phone date with a Barbarian coming up soon, so I can celebrate that shortly!
  42. ...Air day: not for a while; with temperatures in the 90s and almost no breeze, it's not even safe to breathe outside right now
  43. Why do you think Steve got kicked off Blue's Clues? with all due respect to Steve, is there an adult who cares about this anymore?
  44. Hooked on heroin or hooked on phonics? seriously.
  45. Have you ever taken an insanity quiz and said, "Hey, that's a good idea!" not since I was spending WAY too much time on OKCupid
  46. Have you ever covered yourself in blood and lay down on the side of the road to make it look like you were in an accident? You don't know what you're missing. that is a symptom of diagnosable mental illness
  47. Can you flare your nostrils? yes
  48. Do you want to swim in a vast lake of Gatorade? or any other beverage, for that matter? no, that sounds like an invitation to all sorts of nasty infections
  49. Have you ever sneezed at the same time everyday, consecutively, for over 3 months? I'm not a big sneezer
  50. How did the first person discover that pigs feet would be so good that we call them a delicacy? abject hunger
  51. Why did the first person to ever eat pigs feet eat them? uh...?
  52. Do you like the idea of 'like father, like son'? "like the idea"? The effects of socialization and genetics are pretty well established.
  53. Would you rather be an evil dictator or a sitcom family member? I suppose I would choose the sitcom, though others would argue the opposite is closer to truth
  54. What is the wave of the future? if I knew that, I wouldn't be toiling away in the 'bowl
  55. What's your favorite old movie (before 1990)? "old"--Jesus.

    It Happened One Night. Clark Gable, Claudette Colbert. 1934.
  56. When someone tells you that their significant other lives Really Far Away, do you ever suspect that they are single and making someone up? maybe in college, definitely in high school. As an adult, probably not--unless they show other signs of being a liar.
  57. Alaska or Hawaii? Alaska, even before the current troubles
  58. Why did Kentucky Fried Chicken change their name to KFC? accessibility to infants who can't handle all those syllables at once
  59. What is there no place to hide from? truth
  60. Which makes you happier: giving presents, or getting them? there is a time and a place for each
  61. What can you never have just one of? photos, Pringles, and kisses
  62. What comes to mind when you think of Hulk Hogan? big pouty baby
  63. What would you be the patron saint of? over-thinking
  64. Do you still look at the world with wonder, like you did when you were a kid? in some regards, I do
  65. For 5 seconds, clear your mind. Good. Now write the first thing that you can think of: cheekbone
[From the 5000-question meme; this is the first half of the thirty-sixth part (questions 3401-3450). The title quotation is from It Happened One Night.]

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