
I don't use big words to show off because it's ostentatious

  1. Who do you feel on shaky grounds with?
    I'm thinking about eliminating a bunch of FB "friendships" with people who are not really friends anymore. Is that 'shaky ground'?
  2. How would you rate Stephen King as a writer?
    he writes beautifully, though not in a subject area that I enjoy
  3. What movie are you looking forward to?
    I will like to see Despicable Me 2 before too long
  4. Hulk Hogan with or without the bandana?
    the accessories that he wears are the least of that idiot's problems. 
  5. Do you more often tell people what you feel or what you think?
    I am known to be regrettably forthright
  6. Have you been to see an opera?
    not yet
  7. What do you wish that you knew with more certainty?
    that I am loved
  8. Does your heart break and break and live by breaking?
    I wouldn't put it that way--no
  9. Can you tell the difference between what you think and what you feel or do you often get them confused?
    I suppose I get them confused, or maybe conflated would be more accurate
  10. Do you feel like there are a lot of references in this survey that you are not getting?
    some of them I don't get, and lots more I don't care about at all. That's the thing about cultural references.
  11. You are shopping in the Mad Mall for things to add to your room. Of the following list, what 5 things will you buy?
    lollipops, lace up boots, bondage gear, bubblegum machine, a miniature orange grove, house plants, Bob Geldof, duct tape, Buzzcocks, poet shirts, Marc Almond, Al Gore, acrylic paints, Snoopy's dog house, an original Andy Warhol painting, zippers, orange and pink matching curtains and bed spread, flash, O.J. Simpson, a Slurpee maker, some flutes, electric chairs, feather pillows, Post It notes, the Terminator wax statue, Fight Club the movie, Fight Club the book

    house plants, duct tape, a Warhol, feather pillows, and Post-It notes
  12. Of the following things, which would you most like to have more of?
    drink, dreams, bed, drugs, lust, lies, hate, love, fear, fun, pain, flesh, stars, smiles, fame, sex

    dreams, bed, love, fun, smiles
  13. Earth girls are:
    the only girls that exist, as far as we know 
  14. One of your friends tells you they are going to train to become a cop. Your reaction?
    one of my best friends is a cop--I think it's a career to be proud of, something admirable. It's hard work.
  15. Would you ever consider working for the government?
    I've thought about it
  16. What are the best and worst television channels?
    no clue - I haven't paid for TV in more than 6 years
  17. If you had a magical pencil and everything you drew became real, what would you draw?
    a freakin' boatload of money, to start
  18. Your boots were made for:
    style, baby
  19. What movie would you like to see a Mystery Science Theater episode about (even if it isn't a sci fi movie, just one that needs making fun of)?
    Risky Business. I thought it was horrible.
  20. What's the buzz?
    I've been watching YouTube clips from the Rhod Gilbert era of Never Mind the Buzzcocks lately...
  21. The last person you would want to be stranded on a desert island with is:
    my sister
  22. Your partner takes an airplane trip. The plane disappears and is never found. How long do you wait for them to return before you begin looking for a new partner?
    Forever. As in, never.
  23. Some animals that mate for life can literally die of grief if their mate is captured or dies. How many humans would do that do you think?
    I think it happens rather a lot
  24. What would you like to touch?
    kitten bellies, gulf sea water, and a massage table (for an hour and a half, five days in a row)
  25. Does anything you own glow in the dark?
    some nail polish that I REALLY need to get rid of!
  26. Would you rather ride a dragon or a unicorn?
    oh Christ no
  27. Do things just always go right for you?
  28. Can you make a balloon animal?
    only a snake or an earthworm
  29. Would you undress at a nude beach?
  30. Wherever there's a secret recipe, there is someone who wants to steal it. True or false?
  31. What is today but yesterday's tomorrow?
    good grief..
  32. How many glasses of water do you drink each day?
  33. What is the difference between intellectualism and pretentiousness?
    if you don't already understand it, I couldn't possibly explain it to you
  34. What do you like in a poem: accessibility, crypticness or something in between?
    it's not like that
  35. What do you think of William Blake?
  36. Is his writing difficult to understand?
  37. Has learning to spell become obsolete?
    if this survey is any indication of current or future skills: heck, yes
  38. Who do you find yourself in constant conflict with?
    I have an adoration/infuriation relationship with a certain person. It's not "constant conflict"--more like "unending tension"
  39. Why the conflict?
    the tension is about affection and intention, and a million other things
  40. What is the difference between literature and Hallmark cards?
    art vs commercialism
  41. How many contemporary poets can you name?
    fifty? Maybe more.
  42. What subjects do you refuse to talk about?
    nice try
  43. Why are you hiding from them?
    there is a vast difference between maintaining privacy and "hiding." People are not required to share everything--nor are they required to listen to others' over-sharing.
  44. Are you every parent's wet dream?
    disgusting metaphor
  45. Everyone starts in the garden of Eden but no one can stay there. Why not?
    something about sin
  46. Would you want to join a club that would have you as a member?
    I'm not a joiner
  47. Greatest black and white film:
    I watched Manhattan Melodrama last week and liked it a lot. Probably not the greatest ever, but it was really good.
  48. Greatest film three hours or longer:
    Hamlet (the Branagh version)
  49. When you are exposed to the artwork (poetry, painting, etc.) of a friend, family member or acquaintance how likely are you to criticize it?
    only if specifically asked for it
  50. Do you mentally reject people?
    of course. And I'm not alone in that, I'm sure.
  51. Before speaking to them?
  52. Are we already living out 1984?
  53. Can you sing?
    yes, though not well
  54. Do you like the feeling of a ballpoint pen being used to draw pictures on your palm?
  55. Have you ever been airbrushed?
  56. Are you an elitist?
  57. What are you elitist about?
    keeping care of one's feet when one wears sandals
  58. Are you arrogant?
  59. About what?
    my own worthiness, in certain areas
  60. Use the two following words in a sentence: Gandhi, Ford
  61. Are you treacherous?
  62. Name the ten bands you are the biggest fan of:
    Elbow, Alkaline Trio, Pearl Jam, Velvet Revolver, Dashboard Confessional, Vertical Horizon, Dave Matthews Band, Foo Fighters, Better than Ezra, and R.E.M.--according to the Plays count in my iTunes
  63. Are you jolly?
    that's probably on the list of words that would never be used to describe me
  64. What does the world stop for?
  65. Would you like to reupholster your furniture in camouflage?
  66. Would you rather have your own personal live-in masseuse or a new car?
    my car is fine, but my muscles are a mess. Frequent massages would be great. And yet, I wouldn't want to share my space, either.  
  67. What were you born holding?
    nothing. Is it a metaphor for life?
  68. Big nose, is it ugly or does it give the face character?
    depends on the person and how they carry it
  69. Name three things you would not do, even for one million dollars (tax free):
    • sell my soul
    • eat anything currently living
    • tattoo my face
  70. Who has rejected you?
    I'm not keeping a list?
  71. Who have you rejected?
    see above. Each situation is different, and it's not a general campaign.
  72. Natural body odor or perfumes and colognes?
    some people are better without something extra. Others are happier and more comfortable with another scent. "Perfumes and colognes" includes the faint smell of soap, which can be very compelling on the right person.
  73. Is anything nastier than Fruit Roll-Ups?
    yep--being judgmental
  74. When you hear someone make a joke about something, will you later make the same joke to someone else as if you had just thought it up?
    probably? There's no true originality. Nothing new under the sun.
  75. What if someone just says something intelligent? Would you use what they said later as if you had made it up?
    maybe? Just because someone else originated a comment, the overall topic may still be worth the conversation.
  76. What's on your pajamas?
    black & gray buffalo checks
  77. Are people nicer in New York or California?
    I've never been to New York. The Californians that I know well are transplants.
  78. Ever think about moving to Alaska to live as a hermit?
    not "as a hermit" exactly
  79. You are interested in a potential mate who is already attached. Do you encourage him or her to leave their current catch or try to find someone all alone?
    the point of life isn't setting out like a predator to locate, immobilize, and vanquish one's potential mate. There is a degree of subtlety involved, and mutuality, and kismet. If it isn't right, and at the right time, then...it isn't right. Trying to force it doesn't make it less wrong. Of course, neither does "trying to find someone all alone," as if there is a shop for unattached singles out there at which one can simply pick and choose. It's hard. 
  80. Do you play in the snow?
    not as a rule, but occasionally, when the mood strikes
  81. Do you save a snowball in your freezer to hit someone with in the summer time?
    not since frost-free refrigeration was invented and mass marketed (roughly 1940)
  82. Will you be ready for the next alien attack?
  83. You can't make this easy can you?
    not much in life is really "easy" 
  84. What is a small thing that people let slide but that actually has dire consequences?
    voting in every election that they can. We take it for granted, and it's something that a lot of the world would literally kill or die for.
  85. Are you the open window maniac?
    I drive home from work with my window open pretty much every day, but that's about it. My allergies are so bad that having my home windows open makes me sneeze and get stuffed up, and driving to work with the windows down means my hair is wrapped around my head and looks crazy for the whole day of work. Summer kind of passes me by in some ways. 
  86. Have you ever been a hall monitor?
  87. What exactly do hall monitors do anyway?
    monitor. halls. ? To make sure that the rest of the kids aren't wandering around, doing the stuff that kids do when they're not behaving.
  88. Would you rather wear an Army uniform or a cow costume for Halloween?
    cow, definitely
  89. When was the last time you played tag, musical chairs, hide and seek, etc.?
    probably at a party for my niece's kid. It's been a while.
  90. Can you leapfrog?
    "can" and "would" are very different things
  91. What was the last strong and clear emotion you felt?
  92. Are you more of a disco ball, a candle or a robot?
  93. Could any good come out of a nuclear holocaust?
    it would probably eliminate a whole bunch of mosquitoes and ticks
  94. Are you an angel in disguise?
    I'm starting to doubt it
  95. Could you have fun with a jelly fish?
    they're very pretty when they swim. I like to watch them, in tanks.
  96. Who throws the wildest parties?
    I'm not on the invite list, regardless
  97. Do you own an "I ♡ NY shirt?
  98. If you could make a channel that played only one show all day what show would it be?
    what's the point? Too much of anything is too much, guaranteeing that you'll be tired of it in no time. Why not a rotating schedule of 12 good shows, or twice that, or four times that, to at least set up a nice variety that will last a while?
  99. Are you a rockstar, only no one knows it yet?
    in my tiny little niche, I'm amazing
  100. Have you ever been stung by anything?
    I have mosquito bites on the back of my head, my neck, and the side of my pinkie right now. That probably counts.
  101. What?
    see above. I've been stung by plenty of other things over my lifetime, too.
  102. Whose autograph have you gotten in the last year?
  103. Are you enjoying this?
    this survey? The questions are clearly getting weaker as it nears the 5000 mark. I'm pushing through to completion but it's been more of a mud-run than a happy wander.
[From the 5000-question meme; this is the forty-seventh part (questions 4501-4600). The title quotation is by Don Roff.]

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