
all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others

  1. What would you bring along to an idyllic picnic? butcher-made hotdogs, really salty rippled potato chips, French onion dip, Rice Krispie bars, and cherry Kool-Aid
  2. What's your favourite children's story? Click Clack Moo: Cows that Type and the rest of that series by Doreen Cronin
  3. Have you ever walked out of a cinema before the film was done? indeed, I have, and it is the source of much discontent and sniveling on the part of one of my friends who loved the movie in question: Joe Versus the Volcano
  4. What song would you say best sums you up? "But Honestly" (at the moment anyway)
  5. Do you have any old friends you wish you could meet up with again? Andy, Robert, Rita...
  6. Who's your favourite monarch of all time? see photo...
  7. Do you prefer metric or imperial measurements? I prefer metric, but the word 'imperial' is freaking amazing when you think about it
  8. What was the last thing you ate? Cranberry & Almond Great Grains cereal mmmmmmm
  9. What's your favourite farmyard animal? a big orange cat
  10. What are your 3 favourite internet sites? Blogger, Tumblr, and Facebook
  11. What's the most interesting thing you can see out of your nearest window? a rabbit, sleeping in my back yard
  12. Do you think Barbie is a negative role model for young girls? I think it's terribly dangerous for young girls to aspire to be 10" plastic dolls, yes [insert eye roll here]
  13. one pair of my glasses
    Have you ever needed an eye test?
    I've worn glasses ever since I was in the seventh grade. I've seen my current eye doctor for so long that my patient number is 107. (He started numbering his patients at "101".) It's safe to say that I am always due for an eye exam.
  14. What social class do you consider yourself or your family background to be in? it's a truism that almost everyone (90% or so) in this country considers herself "middle class"
  15. Do you find yourself attractive? I really don't look at myself that way?? I'm in pretty good shape, considering. I moisturize, use sunscreen, and almost never blow-dry my hair. I've never used tobacco. It could be a lot worse.
  16. Do you know any magic tricks? I know how to make paychecks disappear!
  17. What's the largest amount of money you've ever won? $200, on a scratch-off
  18. What's the largest amount of money you've spent in one spree? uhmmm, that depends on the definition of "spree"? After my divorce, when I was recreating a life, there were a few Target-and-groceries runs that got pretty steep. If this is about going to the mall and going wild, though... there was a dangerous day that involved a visit to W-field Mall and Ikea and a swing through the strip-malls of the megalopolis and so forth that was probably over a thousand dollars, just on clothes, shoes, and assorted nonsense. That was a long time, and a major job change, ago.
  19. What's the largest amount of money you've had to borrow from a friend or family member? in the neighborhood of $24,000 - though technically (and legally) it was a gift, not a loan
  20. Have you ever been on a cable car? not yet
  21. Do you get seasick? not yet. Not on the river anyway.
  22. If you discovered a new species of dinosaur what would you call it? the first name that came to mind cannot be repeated here, but it made me giggle. Second choice: George.
  23. Do you believe in fairies? oh HELL yes
  24. Do you believe in a god? yes
  25. Do you believe there used to be dragons? sure. In fact, I think there still are dragons. They are simply shy, and prefer to come out when the only people who are around are discreet.
  26. Who would you want to be with on a desert island? Rupert
  27. Who's your favourite god from ancient history? Hermes
  28. What is your first proper memory? few of my memories are "proper." Wouldn't it be more fun to read about my first improper memory, anyway?
  29. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane? ...up? We flew in a 6-seater over my hometown. It was a high school friend's method of courting me.
  30. What was your first detention for? goofing around with a friend in my sewing class in junior high
  31. What's your strongest voluntary muscle? my thighs are pretty strong right now
  32. Who was your first kiss? it wasn't a great kiss and he wasn't a great guy. There would be better, later.
  33. What thing that you've made are you most proud of? friends
  34. Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? yup
  35. Have you ever carved a pumpkin? yes, I am from this country
  36. Did you ever have a treehouse as a kid? no. Our trees were the little squidgy maple ones that grow slowly and aren't all that sturdy anyway. I have to think my parents did that on purpose to keep us out of the ER.
  37. Do you plan to vote in the next election? my absentee ballot is already applied for and on its way
  38. If you could replace one body part with a super bionic replacement what body part and what features would the new bionic replacement have? I would replace my upper back and shoulders with a stress-free version that would be able to hold my head up without tension and weird kinks
  39. What if any unusual objects have you swallowed? I. beg. your. pardon.
  40. Did you understand the Matrix trilogy? I could only watch part of the first one. It gave me a headache.
  41. Have you ever owned a Slinky? yup - it's probably still hanging around my parents' house someplace
  42. Have you ever been electrocuted? I've gotten some powerful shocks. Both my dad and I seem to be wired a little different from most people, as we are prone to shocks when others don't get them. I once got a shock through a peanut butter & jelly sandwich that was so powerful that Chris - sitting across the room - could see the spark.
  43. Have you ever been attacked with a creamy bakery product? I worked in a bakery for a number of years. I walked out of that place well-coated with everything we ever produced, including "creamy bakery product."
  44. Shaun the sheep
    Have you ever shawn a sheep? Shawn. Really? It's shorn. And no, I have not.
  45. Have you ever accidentally set fire to yourself? is that even possible?
  46. What's your favourite personality trait you like about yourself? thoughtfulness
  47. What's your least favourite personality trait you like about yourself? overthinking
  48. Do you know HTML? I am an advanced beginner
  49. How many languages do you speak? just the one, though I can read some and understand some others
  50. What are better, violins or pianos? piano
  51. What's the fastest you've ever driven (as driver or passenger)? 115
  52. What makes you angry? people who let their dogs poop on sidewalks
  53. If you could see any band, which would you like to see? Alkaline Trio
  54. What would you say is your favourite album of all time? REM Out of Time (maybe?)
  55. Do you dislike hairy people? nah, some of my favorite people have hair
  56. Are you much of an adventurer? with all my heart, I swear that I am
  57. Have you ever stolen anything? yep - a package of Velcro. It's a long story.
  58. Do you prefer sporty or academic members of the opposite sex? balance is key
  59. How much do you tend to swear in public? depends on my companions and surroundings. I can keep it contained when necessary but have a regrettable tendency to let fly when there's nothing external to hold me back.
  60. What are your strengths? quadriceps, logic, remembering, caring
  61. What are your weaknesses? trapezius, math, forgetting, potato chips
  62. If you ruled your own country, who would you get to write your national anthem? Willie Nelson
  63. How did you get your name? my parents gave it to my when I was born
[ripped from here and carved into pieces; the title quotation is by George Orwell, from Animal Farm]

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