
you don't have to get it right the first time

  1. Song that always makes you sad? "You've Haunted Me All My Life" by Death Cab for Cutie 
  2. Last thing you bought? Christmas presents (from the first big craft fair of the year, a fundraiser for the local hospital)
  3. Last person you argued with? DG
  4. Do you put butter on, before putting the peanut butter on? good God, no
  5. One of your stuffed animals' names as a kid? Linda
  6. Have you ever owned a Barenaked Ladies CD? yep, a few
  7. Favorite day of the week? depends on the week
  8. Favorite sundae topping? raspberries
  9. Did you take piano lessons? no
  10. Most frequent song played? constantly rotating
  11. T.V. show you secretly enjoy? I'm not a secret TV-watcher
  12. Would you rather play basketball or hockey? hockey. I love the idea of being able to skate that well--and slamming someone into the boards sounds pretty sweet, too.
  13. Date someone older or younger? older
  14. One place you could travel right now? could? want to? should? 
  15. Do you use umbrellas? I own three plaid umbrellas
  16. Do you know all the words to the Canadian national anthem? the first verse, yes, thanks to The Simpsons
  17. Favorite cheese? the soft, mild whites: Mozzarella, Provolone
  18. The Smiths or the Cure? the Cure
  19. Do you prefer blonds or brunettes? brunette
  20. Best job you ever had? in A2, for Andy
  21. Did you go to your high school prom? nope. My first date was gracious enough to let me off the hook, and my second date was grounded
  22. Perfect time to wake up? 10:30
  23. Perfect time to go to bed? 1:AM
  24. Do you use your queen right away in chess? I haven't played chess in a long time. It doesn't appeal at all.
  25. Ever been in a car accident? not yet, thank God 
  26. Closer to mom or dad...or neither? both
  27. What age is this exciting life over for you? good question
  28. What decade during the 20th century would you have chosen to be a teenager? I'm happy with the one that I had--without it, I wouldn't have turned into the person that I am.
  29. Favorite shoes you have EVER owned? Kenneth Cole red velvet slides. They are gorgeous, comfortable, dramatic, expensive, and amazing. I also have the black ones--but the red are extraordinary.
  30. Do you have an article of clothing you have had since you were in high school? no
  31. Were you in track and field? no. As I explained recently, mine was not the physique for running (and my throwing is heartfelt but inaccurate).
  32. Were you ever in a school talent show? no
  33. Have you ever written in a library book? GASP--yes. Over 15 years, maybe 30,000 of them? Rough estimate.
  34. Allergic to? narcotics, Flonase, and Bacitracin
  35. Favorite fruit? raspberries
  36. Have you watched Sex and the City? never, not even a moment
  37. Baseball hat or stocking cap? stocking cap. I look like a ridiculous poseur in a baseball hat and a squirrel with the mumps in a stocking cap, but at least the latter has a practical purpose. 
  38. Do you shampoo first in the shower or soap? shampoo, body wash, shampoo, shave, condition, face wash, done
  39. Wet the toothbrush or brush dry with the toothpaste? ugh--wet
  40. Pen or pencil? depends on circumstances. Blue pen for most things at work. Brown pen for correspondence. Pencil for anything that might need to be redacted.
  41. Have you ever gambled at a casino? yes
  42. Have you thrown up on a plane? no
  43. Have you thrown up in a car? yes
  44. Have you thrown up at work? oh God yes. College!
  45. Do you scream on roller coasters? great way to avoid that: no roller coasters, baby
  46. Who was your first prom date? the first person to ask me to prom was a nice guy, had been my boyfriend for a while, and was profoundly intuitive. He realized that I'd met someone else, did some poking around, found out that I was wanting to be with the other guy, and very maturely and graciously called me and offered to step aside. I was WAY too stupid to know what I was doing and what I was giving up, and accepted his offer. My second "prom date" was not really a prom date at all. He was just a stupid crush who caught my eye on a chance drive through the hills. He was a fool, a user, an ass--and I was a fool, too. Youth is wasted on the young.
  47. Who was your first roommate? a couple of older girls with whom I worked at the grocery store
  48. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk for the first time? vodka. It was a screwdriver party at my friend Andy's house, in high school
  49. What was your first job? bakery clerk in a local grocery store
  50. What was your first car? a little hatchback, well-used but in pretty decent shape. I had it for about 6 years.
  51. When did you go to your first funeral? when I was maybe 7, as far as I remember. My extended family is big, though, so there may have been others before then.
  52. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown? 21
  53. Who was your first grade teacher? a nice lady who had the same first name as my mom
  54. Where did you go on your first airplane ride? around town. It was a 6-seater owned by a high school friend's dad.
  55. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with? the 2:00-man, the summer before I got married (oooh, scandal)
  56. Who was your first best friend, and are you still friends with them? Jennifer--and yes, we are still friends
  57. Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parent's house? a rented, and then sublet, mint-green house down the street from Shorty's (and, conveniently, the 2:00-man) 
  58. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day? it depends on the reason for the bad. I'm usually more of the "stew over it on my own in silence" type, than the "talk it over with a friend" type.
  59. Whose wedding were you in, the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsman? my sister's first
  60. What is the first thing you do in the morning? shut off the alarm while wishing for a few more minutes of sleep
  61. What was the first concert you attended? I went to a few around the same time, and I'm not sure which was actually first
  62. First tattoo or piercing? I got a couple at the same time, foot and hip
  63. First celebrity crush? no clue. It's been a long time since I've taken anything like that seriously!
[from here; the title quotation is by Barbara Sher.]

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