
people are only as good as the deals they make and keep

  1. What are 3 things on your wish list and why?
    1. warm feet
    2. a different job, someplace on the other end of town--or the opposite side of the earth
    3. paid bills
  2. What do you miss about your childhood? zero awareness of social awkwardness, size, shape, geekiness, or expectations
  3. What do you do on your spare time on the weekends? WTF is spare time on the weekends?
  4. What do you appreciate most in your life? follow-through
  5. Would you rather be rich or healthy? no point in money if you're not there to use or enjoy it
  6. If you could go back in time, would you--and why? there are things that I would change. There are moments that I would now choose not to waste on certain people. There's a lot of money that I wouldn't throw away on stuff I didn't need. But mostly I'd do it the way I did it. Life is more good than not.
  7. Favourite game as a child? Tripoley (with the family rules)
  8. What is your dream career? there is no dream career. That's why they call it "work" and not happy playtime.
  9. What do you do in your free time? I read a lot
  10. Favourite clothing stores? brick & mortar? Uhm. I guess the only clothing stores where I anywhere close to "regularly" buy clothes are Van Heusen, H&M, and Eddie Bauer.
  11. What TV shows can’t you live without? there is nothing of that sort that I cannot live without
  12. 3 things you need in your life are:
    1. good sleep (now and then)
    2. something to read
    3. someplace to write
  13. What can’t you sleep without? covers, even in summertime
  14. What are you currently a nerd for? QI
  15. What is your favourite seasoning? depends what I'm seasoning, but my if I had to choose only one it would be Adobo
  16. What is your favourite wild animal? squirrel
  17. Name 3 of your favourite childhood shows:
    1. Bugs Bunny
    2. Jungle Book
    3. M*A*S*H, with my dad
  18. If you could live as a character in a movie who would it be? Audry in The Unbelievable Truth
  19. Favourite vegetable? fresh peas
  20. Favourite fruit? fresh raspberries
  21. If you had a dragon, what would you name it? Pouf
  22. What do you put on hotdogs? ketchup & mustard (please don't tell Chicago)
  23. Do you play online games? no
  24. What’s your favourite way to get inspired? desperation
  25. Do you have a middle name? yep
  26. If you had to order from a kid’s menu, what would you get? chicken fingers & fries or a cheese pizza
  27. Do you speak any other languages? no, but I understand a couple well enough to know when I'm being talked about...
  28. Do you use Twitter? no, but it's on my maybe-to-do list
  29. Do you go onto YouTube? just about daily. That's where I get my QI fix.
  30. Do you play Angry Birds? ugh
  31. Do you like theme parties? no
  32. Do you like current cartoons? no clue; I don't have TV
  33. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? yes
  34. Who would you like to see in concert? Alkaline Trio
  35. Can you swim well? not even close, which is kind of funny since I love the water (the river and the ocean) so much
  36. Ever won a contest? more than one
  37. Ever won a giveaway? yep, several
  38. Do you get a full 8 hours of sleep every night? rarely. Sometimes 10, sometimes 6. Now and then 2 or 3.
  39. What tea do you like? I have a few that I like, from Republic of Tea
  40. What mixed drink do you like? rum & lemonade, or sweet tea vodka lemonade
  41. Do you shop at Walmart? not very often, though I'm just about to order something kind of expensive so we'll see how that turns out
  42. Do you shop at Target? now and then
  43. What do you order at your local coffee shop? something very sweet with whipped cream and probably an extra shot--which is why I don't go to the coffee shop very often
  44. Do you drink bottled or tap water? either one
  45. Do you like homemade meals? yes?
  46. Do you like homemade baked goods? better than the alternative
  47. Do you shop online? more often than not
  48. Name 3 stores online stores you would like to shop at:
    1. Brass
    2. eShakti
    3. J.Jill
  49. What holiday don’t you like? not such a big fan of Valentine's Day or New Year's Eve, or anything that requires a date
  50. What do you eat more when you’re sick? when I'm sick, I tend to eat less overall, but more things like clear soup or pudding
[Questions 1-25 came from here and questions 25-50 from here; the title quotation is from The Unbelievable Truth.]

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