
beauty is nothing, beauty won’t stay. You don’t know how lucky you are to be ugly, because if people like you, you know it’s for something else

On the Beauty of the Adult Human Penis

    Yes, you read that right.
     A coworker has lately taken to ranting about her husband. Sniping about his tech savvy, his sleep habits, his grooming skills, and his personal preferences. She tells jokes at his expense anytime she can fit one in, and the other (married) ladies in the office just find it all hysterical.
     I think it's obnoxious.
     The low point, for me, is the way that she--very casually--let slip, during another employee's tale of bathroom renovation and the resulting need to (temporarily) share a bathroom with her husband--that she would never share a bathroom, much less actually bathe with, her husband.
     "That thing is gross enough to think about! I shouldn't have to actually look at it."
     I was not involved in the conversation, and, from around the corner, thought she was simply referring to her spouse. It soon became clear, though, that she was being specific: she thinks that a penis, in general, is disgusting. That she, an adult woman who has been married long enough to have a 20-something daughter with this man, should never "have to look at it." That she is "grossed out" by it.
     I was torn between hilarity, pity, and disgust. You don't need to be in love with the way that it looks to appreciate the purpose that it can serve, and the things that it can do. Or even the things that it has done, if you're going to be that way about it.
     Also, really, by comparison—adult female privates aren't so objectively aesthetically pleasing, either.
     I don't understand this blithe rejection. Failing to treasure something worth fighting for. And being so recklessly, selfishly, determinedly cruel and petty about the person who deserves allegiance and faith. Prehaps I am more naive than I realized, but this makes me really sad.
     And when it comes down to it, I don't think that a penis is all that ugly....

[the title quotation is by Charles Bukowski, from Tales of Ordinary Madness]

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