
the tongue may hide the truth but the eyes—never!

from 100 Getting to Know You Questions
1 Who is your hero?  I have a bunch of them, for different reasons that they may not even know—Fluffy, DG, Heidi, the big E, Mary, my brother...
2 If you could live anywhere, where would it be?  beach house, quiet town, not too far from a a bookstore (or 10) and a good restaurant
4 What is your favorite family vacation?  we used to go to my dad's brother's place in the middle of one of the "I" states just about every summer. They had a backyard pool. We would swim, eat our body weight in bacon, play Tripoley and 500 and do jigsaw puzzles for hours, and exhaust ourselves in the process. I have no distinct memories of any specific time we were there because they were all the same, wonderful, bizarre trips.
5 What would you change about yourself if you could?  if jumping to conclusions were an Olympic event, I would be the record holder and defending champion - and I hate it
6 What really makes you angry?  discovering mayonnaise hidden in an otherwise perfectly delicious sandwich
7 What motivates you to work hard?  deadlines, money, threats of lawsuits, boredom
8 What is your favorite thing about your career?  there are oodles of things that are not work-related that I love, but that's not where we're going here. My favorite work thing is helping my company colleagues sort out an immediate problem so that they have the tools to do so in the future, too. It's hard to explain this without giving more detail about what I do than I like to get into online, so this may sound kind of weird. What it comes down to is that I often do peer training on the fly, and it's a good feeling.
12 What is a favorite book to read?  Nice by Jen Sacks is the quintessential "me" book, one that I reread every year or so and love more and more each time I do. It is wicked clever, devastating, romantic and sexy as fuuuuck, and it makes me think.
13 What makes you laugh the most?  of the things that I do (rather than the people I know), probably clips from QI or Whose Line from YouTube, either of which I will watch when I need a laugh. This one is hilarious in itself - but the look on Hugh Laurie's face always just slays me.
14 What was the last movie you went to? What did you think?  1917. It was not about the movie so much as the experience, which I wholeheartedly wish could be repeated sometime soon.
classic Celtics gear
15 What did you want to be when you were small? 
a sports photographer, specifically for the Boston Celtics
17 If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?  like, a job, or just anything?? I would love to be an art photographer, but probably not much longer than a day.
If I could do anything at all: I've never had a real "spa day," and would very much like to see what that's like. Long bubble bath, massage(s), facial, hair mask, eye mask, manicure, pedicure....
19 Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car?  horse? Are you kidding me?! I'm a car person all the way. I like to drive, and like to ride but only with someone I really trust at the wheel.
21 What two radio stations do you listen to in the car the most?  I don't listen to the radio in my car, only CDs or my iPod - or (gasp) nothing at all
22 Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house?  wash the dishes
23 If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work?  well, I do hire someone to do the yard work, so that doesn't count.  I'd love to have "a personal chef" who could keep me eating only what's good for me (and of course clean it all up, too). However, I'd also like to have cleaning help, at least for the big stuff: washing windows, cleaning carpets, taking down the screens at the end of the season, power-washing the deck, etc.
24 If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?  a small salad, a small steak, a hot biscuit with butter, and tea with lemon
25 Who is your favorite author?  lately, I have been loving Elinor Lipman 
my Lipman shelf
26. Have you ever had a nickname? What is it?  I have had many nicknames over the years. Many were derivations of my first name. Some referred to my favorite stuffed animal. Others referenced my stature. One was about someone else's cake. The only current one ... is personal.
27. Do you like or dislike surprises? Why or why not?  I do, particularly now. There is so much sameness of hours and days and weeks. Newness, a little shaking up the usual, seems more exciting than it used to. A kind word, something in the mail, an unexpected phone call, flowers popping up through the weeds... I like surprises.

[from here; the title quotation is by Mikhail Bulgakov, from The Master and Margarita]

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