
the whole world was this symphony, and there was not enough of her to listen


            I am...
The Best American Poetry 2013 (I decided recently that I need to expand that collection, so I came current and now am working backward)
• my journal dated 12/08/04-03/07/05 (call it therapy)
Eleven by Mark Watson (this is a reread for the first time since it first came out, when I thought it was wonderful)
Listening to
The Grapes of Wrath, which is playing on DVD, and the lawnmower of my neighbor to the west. Always a lawnmower around here somewhere.
• "live" photos from my friends. There is nothing better than an unexpected voice (or purr) in the background of a picture!
• the first week back in the office was harder than I had expected - and I had expected it to be really hard
• weary, but hopeful and open.
• weekend! And summer.
Grateful for: 
• dear friends, a sense of humor, and secrets
• hot and stupid-humid (80 degrees, feels like 84, humidity 76%) at almost 8:00 PM, and no rain expected for three days.
• salads. I just cannot get enough of simple salads with Tuscan Italian dressing.
A quote I want to share: "The thinking mind is best controlled by the imagination." [Carson McCullers]

[from here; the title quotation is by Carson McCullers, from The Heart is a Lonely Hunter]

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