
things change so quickly. Just when you get used to something, zap! It changes

from "351 good questions to ask"
49. How do you judge a person?
it seems most fair to judge 50% on Technical merit and 50% on Artistic merit, just like Rhythmic Gymnastics
50. If someone narrated your life, who would you want to be the narrator?
51. What was the most unsettling film you've seen?
52. What unethical experiment would have the biggest positive impact on society as a whole?
beta testing potential drug treatments and vaccines on prisoners
53. When was the last time you were snooping, and found something you wish you hadn't?
the first year that I was married. I was 21, maybe 22 years old. It was not precisely snooping, since we shared an email address (this was in the early dial-up days) ... but yeah, I was snooping. I found something that I wish I hadn't--and I learned an important thing about marriage along with what I learned about snooping and privacy. If one goes looking for something to be upset about, one is virtually certain to find it. That being said, there is no justification for going to find it unless one already knows it is there. Just ... don't.
54. Which celebrity or band has the worst fan base?
Tom Brady
56. If you were given a Ph.D. but had no more knowledge of the subject of the degree besides what you have now, what degree would you want to be given?
Thank you, no. I have plenty enough degrees that I have to explain way. No more!
55. What are you interested in that most people aren't?
Irish and Spanish neutrality in the Second World War
57. What smartphone feature would you actually be excited for a company to implement?
zapper unit on cell phone
Ohmygosh, what timing! I just read, in one of my old journals, the recommendation from my dear friend Fluffy K. that I should buy a phone with a stun setting, so that when I tried to send ill-advised text messages, it would knock me on my ass until the urge fled. It is funny and a little regretful that such a thing would still be useful for me.
58. What's something people don't worry about but really should?
saying the words
59. What movie quotes do you use on a regular basis?
I dated a guy for a couple of years who regularly dropped movie quotes into his everyday speech with no warning. Some of that can be witty, and too much of it is just f'ing annoying. How can anyone know what is legitimate and what is just pretentious douchebaggery? There is either the presumption that the person you're quoting to knows exactly what you're talking about at all times (like, has seen every damned movie you have, and as many times, so they know the dialog by heart), or else there is the intention to make the person you're talking to feel like an ignorant, uncultured ...
    Yeah, this one is still a sore spot. I am the last person to complain about quotes - but also the first to point out that they are quotes.
60. Do you think that children born today will have better or worse lives than their parents?
much worse. Children born today (anyone under the age of 10, even) are going to think that this "new normal" is normal. God knows what life is going to be like in 6 months or a year, or 5 years. But we ought not to consider this really, truly "better" than it used to be. Life as we know it has been seriously fucked up, however uncontrollably, and we all did not do enough to keep that from happening.
61. What's the funniest joke you know by heart?
this prompt is triggering and abusive toward people with suppressed humor systems. I protest! And I'm snuggling with my emotional support animal as I type.
62. When was the last time you felt you had a new lease on life?
June 25th
63. What's the funniest actual name you've heard of someone having?
I would say it out loud, but I feel sorry for her (and don't want her finding the blog and coming after me!)
64. Which charity or charitable cause is the most deserving of money?
like, at the cost of all the rest of them? If you are of that ilk, just find a good one, check with the non-profit registry for the state in which it is centered to make sure it is legit, vet the percentage of intake that goes to admin as opposed to the cause itself, and if that works for you: give what you can.
65. What TV show character would be the most fun to change places with for a week?
not interested
66. What was cool when you were young but isn't cool now?
tight-rolled jeans
67. If you were moving to another country but could only pack one carry-on sized bag, what would you pack?

[from here; the title quotation is by Cecelia Ahern, from Love, Rosie]

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