
your worst enemy, he reflected, was your own nervous system

  1. Have you ever flown a kite? when I was really little, yes
  2. What colour socks are you wearing? no socks between April and November
  3. Would you like to be a big celebrity? ugh, no - the joy is in the playing
  4. How big is your house? roughly three times bigger than one normal person needs
  5. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? sunsets
  6. What do you typically have for breakfast? cereal on normal days and on the rare times when I go out for breakfast, pancakes or French toast with bacon or sausage
  7. Have you ever been in a newspaper? several times
  8. How long can you balance on one foot? right now, it wouldn't hit the two-minute mark
  9. Have you ever fired a gun? yep
  10. Have you ever tried archery? yes
  11. What's your favourite condiment? BBQ sauce
  12. What's the longest you've gone without sleep? a day or two
  13. What did you want to be when you grew up? fascinating
  14. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? there are a couple of health issues that I would very much like to resolve
  15. What's the longest you've ever grown your hair? it was nearly down to my waist for college graduation
  16. Are you scared of flying? not the flying part - but I've had increasing degrees of claustrophobia and rootless anxiety, which I've sort of watched grow since Chris died. Trauma causes all sorts of crossed-up stuff in our brains, so it's not surprising that something like this would result from something like that. But it's more of a problem over time, so getting it sorted is a goal.
  17. Are you reliable? in some ways
  18. Are you proud of yourself? not in a superior way, but more like 'glad I have taken some steps'
  19. Are you much of a gambler? you wouldn't think it to look at me, would you? But Hell yes.
  20. Are you much of a daredevil? probably too much so
  21. What has been your worst haircut/style? in 5th grade, I had what can only be described as a "shag." It looked like my hair had been hacked off with dull scissors (or a hatchet) and reattached with a lot of Elmer's glue, but in the wrong order. I looked like the human split end.
  22. Can you ice-skate? it has been a while (like, decades). Maybe?
  23. Can you summersault somersault? if severely pressed, I probably could. It is likely that I would regret it, either digestically or skeletally.
  24. Have you ever sleepwalked? yep
  25. Can you build a house of cards? if the house is ranch-style
  26. What's your favourite TV advert? I have not seen regular TV - except in a hotel room, which clearly does not count, like "gaol" when playing tag - in ages. Since I cannot give an adequate answer to this one, I shall instead share my favorite YouTube clip (currently). Sound up!
  27. Can you play poker? maybe? It's been a very long time since I've played poker straight up rather than as part of our family version of Tripoley, which is a cutthroat and bizarre twisted stretch on the rules. My poker skills are probably not adequate to get me anywhere with someone who plays well. 
  28. If your parents hated your partner you loved, would you ditch him or carry on with him despite the protests? my, how timely. When I was 18, their protests may have had a material impact on my decisions in this area. At this advanced age, though, I would certainly "carry on." Love is a big deal, life is short, my choices are my own, and my private life is very private.
  29. Have you ever been professionally photographed? HS graduation, engagement, wedding, law school graduation, various other weddings and so forth... I still have a standing intention to try and sit for a dear friend who takes wonderful (and sometimes wonderfully weird) photographs. 
  30. Have you ever baked your own cake? Hmmm. Once or twice [a year] [for the last VIL years] maybe? 
  31. What traditionally adorns the top of your Christmas tree? which one? I have a number of them, with a number of different tops. The most "traditional" top is a snowman angel.
  32. What would be your dream sandwich? JJBLT with no mayo
  33. Can you impersonate anyone famous? I'm told that I have the unnerving eye contact of Susan Sarandon and the assertive chin of Reese Witherspoon. No action needed on my part.
  34. What was the last thing you recorded off TV? an audio clip of a man speaking to a woman in a coma from the series ReGenesis
  35. What was the last thing you dressed up as for fancy dress? this question actually hurts to read. Does that mean what was the last dress event that I attended? Probably a wedding - though some of our work functions get a little out-of-hand competitive dressy.
  36. Do you prefer green or red grapes? green
  37. What do you like on your toast? butter
  38. What's your first thought upon waking up? "please, just five more minutes..."
  39. Grape Bubble Yum
    Can you blow bubbles with bubblegum? 
    yes. I distinctly remember the night that my mom (with an exaggerated patience for which she is not generally known) taught me how to do it, with grape Bubble Yum. We were at a city band concert down by the lake. I was 7 or 8? Maybe younger. 
  40. What was your favourite birthday? 19 was good. My friends threw a party for me, let me get a little drunk, and gave me diamonds.
  41. Have you ever owned a yo-yo? yes, a dear friend of my family loves them and received many as Christmas presents from us
  42. Have you ever been on a pogo stick? yup, probably at my maternal grandparents'? I don't recall exactly - definitely not at home. It's harder than it looks.
  43. What do you think the greatest invention has been? the toothbrush
  44. Who's your favourite Comedian? thought this said "Canadian," so let's go with a Canadian comedian: Ryan Stiles
  45. What's your favourite board game? Scrabble
  46. Do you have much of an ego? I think I am probably average, for someone like me
  47. What's your favourite fast-food chain? Jimmy John's
  48. What's your favourite type of tree? alt.Christmas
  49. Do you have any family secrets? of course - who doesn't?
  50. Are you good at keeping secrets? one of the best
  51. When playing checkers or chess do you prefer to be black or white? black
  52. Have you ever used the phrase "back in my time" to someone younger than you? all the time. I even say that to people older than me.
  53. Do you love or hate rollercoasters? never done it, and likely never will
  54. What's your favourite sportswear brand? Spalding yoga pants, Asics and Saucony running shoes, Nike socks, Amazon basic running tops                 
    shoes & socks
  55. Do you buy any weekly/monthly magazines? I have a gift subscription to Consumer Reports, and my mom shares her subscription to Better Homes & Gardens
  56. Who's your favourite Superhero? I do not give 1/8 of a shit about superheroes
  57. Who's your favourite Villain/Baddie? there is a black cat called "Shoppers" who qualifies
  58. What was the last Album you purchased? the soundtrack to the movie Singles
  59. What's your favourite fruit? peaches
  60. Have you ever done something really unbelievable, only to have no one around to see it? sure
  61. Have you ever used the yellow pages? OMG WTF BBQ LOL JHC
  62. If you have an MP3 player, what size is it? 160 GB
  63. Do you still have any music on vinyl or cassettes? yes, but it doesn't live with me
  64. Do you still have a camera that uses conventional film? yes - Polaroid
  65. Approximately how many DVD's do you have? 450
  66. Do you talk to yourself? nope
  67. Do you sing to yourself? uh, no? But I sing all the time in the car.
  68. Do you know any identical twins? two of my first friends are identical twins!
  69. What's your favourite letter of the Alphabet? E
  70. Which is better: rollerblades or rollerskates? skates
  71. What are cooler: dinosaurs or dragons? dinosaurs, natch
  72. Have you ever made your own ice cream? yep, we borrowed my aunt and uncle's old-style crank ice cream maker, took turns cranking, and made a vat of double-vanilla maple ice cream that was delicious
  73. Have you ever cheated at a test? sure. Not any of the big ones, though.
  74. Have you ever ridden a tractor? ayup, though it has been a while. Tractors are kinda sexy.
  75. Have you ever cried at a film? it happens fairly often
  76. When you're ill, do you struggle on regardless - or just curl up in bed as much as possible? I am not a martyr and I don't want to share whatever is wrong with me. Unless it's a work-through-it level headache, I keep to myself until it's over.
  77. Have you ever played golf? yep. Last time I played I was probably alcohol-poisoning drunk but could still drive it a mile. My long game is (was) good, which I credit to the ratio of arm length to height. My putting (and short game in general) is abysmal.
  78. What's the most unusual name you've ever come across? maybe it's naïve, but I think this is a mean-spirited question. :(
  79. Have you ever walked into a wall? this reminds me of two stories, either of which is better than any anecdote about me walking into a wall. First: one of my friends is an exceedingly lovely, kind, dear person who is also notably clumsy. We used to work together. One day, while watching the security cameras (which we were encouraged to do while working on non-computer projects), I saw her enter the building, start turning a corner, and promptly wipe out. She didn't hit a wet patch or trip over a rug - she just took the corner too sharp and fell over.  It was absolutely hilarious. I saved the clip, set it to music, and have sent it to her for various occasions over the years. Wondrous.  Second: at that same job, we "hired" (i.e. suffered the presence of) juvenile delinquents who were working off their community service projects. One of the little punks was there off and on for years, and became well known to the staff. Our building was constructed fairly recently, and had big soaring ceilings and an airy feel, with big support columns here and there. One day not too long after my divorce (and the subsequent weight loss and wardrobe transformation) I passed that kid, walking in the aisle. My friend was working at the other end of the room and said that he did a double-take, and then turned completely around to watch me walk away - resulting in him walking directly into one of the pillars and nearly falling over. Classic!
  80. What's your favourite precious metal? I dream of the world of platinum, though I live in the world of sterling silver and white gold
  81. What's your favourite precious stone? probably sapphires? It has not been an issue to this point.
  82. Could you ever hunt your own meal? in the cupboards, yes
  83. Have you ever read any comics? EVER??! Uh yeah. I follow xkcd and Berkeley Breathed's Bloom County on FB, for instance.
  84. Have you ever had a disastrous interview? not "disastrous" exactly, but yeah, I am an introvert who is job-seeking in the age of online interviews. That's not likely to be a good mix.
  85. What makes you nervous? talking on the phone with a certain person
  86. Have you ever won any kind of quiz yourself? spelling bees and radio call-ins
  87. Do you get over-involved with TV or movie plots at times? sure. I'm a cry-er and a flincher. I hide my eyes during the oogy parts, and sigh with the romance. I love to hold hands and cuddle when watching something engrossing. 
  88. Do you own any inflatable furniture? nope
  89. Could you ever hand milk a cow? I have not, but I am probably trainable
  90. Can you play the harmonica? doubtful
  91. Are you pretty devious? why, no...
  92. Have you ever had a surprise party (that was an actual surprise)? yes, I was the recipient of a surprise party for my 24th (?) birthday. There were friends present from elementary, junior high, high school, undergrad, and grad school, as well as family. It was godawful. I don't mind being the center of attention--when I can brace myself first.
  93. Are you any good at giving massages? so I've been told
  94. What's been your worst date ever? that I haven't already detailed here? There was a Cubs game in Chicago a few years ago, attended with my date's mom and dad. After (well, more like during) an argument while looking at the river from one of the lift bridges, he took off. Just... left. So I was left there with his parents - who were rather nonplussed by the situation. We waited for quite a while and finally decided that if he missed the train, that was no reason for us to miss the train. When we walked into the station, he was there waiting. Didn't say a word to me for the rest of the trip (including in the car for the last 15 miles) (including when they dropped me at my apartment) - nor for the following month or so. "The Silent Treatment" is a Hell of a birthday present.
  95. Have you ever warn clothing with the labels/tags still attached? not that I recall? I did get home with the electronic tags still on something I had purchased in the suburbs once, and had to go back to have them removed. I didn't need it right away and they gave me a discount on the next thing purchased at the store, so it was no trouble.
  96. Are you scared of the dark? there are times when I close the curtains more or less tightly. Not because I am "afraid of the dark" as much as, waking up disoriented in the total dark can be unnerving, depending on what else is going on in my head.
  97. Have you ever been water skiing? once, when I was around 12 years old. I was not very good at it. Fun day though. 
  98. How many SMS/text messages do you receive on average a day? 20
  99. How long did your last phone call last? 38 minutes
  100. If you saw someone drop a £10 note, would you claim it for your own or try to return it to them? I would claim it for my own. I might give a $10 bill back, but a 10-pound note would be too cool to give up.
[ripped from here and carved into pieces; the title quotation is by George Orwell, from 1984]

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