
in the words of General Tacticus, 'let us take history by the scrotum'

from "200 Questions to Ask a Girl"
48. What's the most embarrassing thing you've said or done around someone you had a crush on? I made a mix CD for the animal brain lawyer which has come to be known as Bitten. The first song on it is "You're So Damn Hot" by OK Go, and it goes steeply downhill from there, including "Strange and Beautiful" by Aqualung, "Blown" by Mudville, and the blatant "Let's Have Sex" by Studio Kings 2.0 & Trippy. Even thinking about this mix makes me cringe, and facing the memory full-on is excruciatingly mortifying.
49. Who is your favorite actor or actress? Edward Norton has become a go-to
50. What doesn't exist, but you desperately want/need? self-cleaning clothing
51. What are you most grateful for? deep connections
52. What do you wish you could re-live? the last time I saw Chris
53. How decisive or indecisive are you? God, I dunno... kinda??
54. What snack can you just not get enough of? lightly salted roasted almonds
55. What's this time period the golden age of? ego
56. What was the worst phase you went through? the summer of 1996 was very, very bad. I was extremely sick (but did not realize why), profoundly unhappy, nearly destitute, had no plans or aspirations, and felt alone in the world.
57. What weird smell do you really enjoy? cilantro
58. What's the best gag gift you've ever seen or gotten? a can of self-adhesive googly eyes, in varying sizes. They have been surprisingly useful!
Emergency googlies
59. Who do you make happy?
it's been a while since anyone has told me that I do. Prehaps no one.
60. What animal are you surprised is not extinct yet? the sloth
61. What's in your pockets right now? only my phone (I'm wearing PJ pants)
62. What options would come up if you could "right click" people? pause, mute, and restart
63. What's the best piece of advice someone has given you? "keep your wheels on the ground, and keep your board on your wheels"
64. What do you like to do that is traditionally considered masculine? gently scratch a scrotum?
No, wait: that's not it. Watching action, thriller, gangster, or war movies!
65. What was something you ate regularly as a child but now cringe at the thought of eating? venison ring bologna   {{hork}}
66. What's something you learned recently that you really should have already known? cherry tomatoes are not among my favorite taste sensations
67. If you were an action figure, what accessories would you be sold with? a protective shield for my sharp tongue, a hand-crank sunburn intensifier, and oodles of fancy shoes!

[from here; the title quotation is by Terry Pratchett, from Jingo]

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