
it's a short song, but it's one Hell of a story

from Questions to Get to Know Someone
96. When do you feel "truly alive"?  when I can stay up late, sleep late (until I wake up naturally), and spend my day doing nothing but what I feel like at the moment
97. What fact are you resigned to?  my taste in shoes is exquisite--which is another way to say expensive
100. What would a mirror opposite of you be like?  in no particular order: noisy; more comfortable in company than alone; not a reader; "a dog person"; tall; materialistic; conventionally funny and with an easy smile; fan of bestsellers, blockbusters, math and mayonnaise; mountain climber
102. What would be your spirit animal?  
according to this quiz, it is the Owl - "emblematic of a deep connection with wisdom and intuitive knowledge. When the spirit of the animal guides you, you can see the true reality, beyond illusion and deceit." 
According to this one, it is the Whale - "you have a strong inner voice, and always follow your own truth. Because you are so in touch with reality, you are self-aware and don't get involved with drama. You have strong bonds and emotional ties with those you love.
According to this one, it is the Turtle. "The turtle is a highly spiritual guide that represents the inward journey toward wisdom, truth, and peace. You are deeply sensitive and constantly checking in with your emotions." That seems the most like me, to me - except the animal itself.
105. What's something you are self-conscious about? my chin
106. What are two of your favorite smells? clean t-shirt, and vanilla
108. What's the last adventure you went on? it was a long weekend road trip to a place I've never been with someone with whom I'd never traveled. That's a lot of new for at least one, and sometimes two, introverts! It was an adventure in multiple senses of the word. I liked it a lot.
games 1
109. What are three interesting facts about you?
  •  I've never skied (on snow)
  •  I have a collection of many board games, though they have not been played in years. (Only some of them are pictured here!)
  •  When my blood sugar gets dangerously low, I sneeze
110. What was the last compliment you received? 2 Tumblr followers DM'd me yesterday to say that they love the way that I write
113. What are you really good at, but kind of embarrassed that you are good at it?  parallel parking
114. What is the "holy grail" of your life?  a new and different job. To be working for and with people that I respect and like. To earn good money and benefits. To feel challenged, trusted, and encouraged to do my best work and not to compromise - whether for the bottom line or for expediency or because it's the way "that's always been done." To have reason to be proud of where I work, what I do, the way my colleagues behave, what we produce, what we represent to the world (and how that correlates to the way it really is, behind the scenes), and how I will be remembered when no longer there. 
games 2
115. What do you like most about your family?  my family is very chill. Our holidays are super relaxed, we have no expectations for gift-giving or visits. We spend time together (when we can) because we want to, not because we have to. I have talked in the past about "chosen family". My mom, my dad, and my brother are just that
116. What do people think is weird about you?  my politeness, which is essentially uniform among my (very close) friends and can sometimes be mistaken for slavish devotion. Believe it or not, I return everyone's text messages quickly.
117. What is something you will never do again?  eat a burnt peanut (do they even make those things anymore?), or wear an ill-fitting bra, or take a professional examination to prove what I know
120. What is the most immature thing that you do?  first thing that comes to mind: I regularly eat dinner on the couch in front of the TV
121. What stereotype do you completely live up to?  I am so Midwestern, eh? But it could be worse, ya know. (I just scored 90% on a "how Midwestern are you?" quiz that was of sketchy quality so I refuse to link it.)
124. What was the most memorable gift you've ever received?  today I would say that it was a box of several varieties of bacon packed in dry ice and delivered from the processor himself straight into my hands. Getting it to me was logistically ... complicated, so by the time it arrived I had a good idea of what it was--which turned out to be totally wrong. It was one of those rare presents where the meaning and thought behind it was even better than the gift itself (which, if you know how I adore bacon, you realize was a wonderful gift!).

[from here; the title quotation is from the song "Holy Grail" by Hunters & Collectors]

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