
my eyes are an ocean in which my dreams are reflected

from 351 Good Questions to Ask

141. What about the opposite sex confuses you the most?  compartmentalizing or disconnecting. I usually reject gender stereotyping - particularly because y'know, gender is increasingly revealing itself to be less an either/or and more a sliding scale/not a scale at all thing. However, more than one guy I know is oddly, frustratingly proud of the ability to turn off whole areas of life or awareness or concern, seemingly at will.

142. When was the last time you yelled at someone?  pretty sure it was my boss. We got into an argument on the phone last week about how the local law library functions.

144. What kinds of things do you like to cook or are good at cooking?  some Italian, almost any baked dessert, and Fluffy's Chicken with Nutmeg and Water Chestnuts.

145. What life skills are rarely taught but extremely useful?  balancing a checking account (and the importance thereof), parallel parking, constructing a good grilled cheese sandwich, shaving, ironing, and dancing

147. If you could hack into any one computer, which computer would you hack?  lottery, I suppose

150. What's the worst thing you've eaten out of politeness?  oh God, a Monstrously huge stuffed mushroom at a hoity-toity party in A2. I was drinking some kind of wine in a large glass and took a bite of the appetizer that a friend handed to me, not realizing that it was (a) a mushroom (b) stuffed with black olives, which I loathe, and (c) something gooey that made it impossible to take one small bite but instead I had to eat the whole thing in one go, (d) and it was hot as Hell so I burnt my mouth (e) and could not hork it into the napkin and toss it surreptitiously (e) because I was in company (f) including people who held my future (relatively) in their hands, so I had to impress (or at least not disgust) them, and (g) the wineglass was quite ungainly and I couldn't wrangle the horking with one hand. Thus, I ate a mushroom.

153. What has been blown way out of proportion?  Beyonce, sushi, and Zoom

154. When was a time you acted nonchalant but were going crazy inside?  the last few times I was in an elevator, when my mind was on something other than going up

155. What's about to get much better?  the basement situation here at the house. I've weeded out a heap of books (maybe 100-150?). Over the next couple of weeks I plan to do a quick scan to figure out if any of them are worth trying to sell online. If not, I will sort them into donate vs. recycle piles and get rid of them. 

Same with several bags of clothes that no longer fit, or that never did fit in some cases! Most of it is straight up ready for donation. A very few might be worth trying to sell. A couple of purses and pairs of unworn shoes here, too.

Then I will start the process with movies and music. 

157. What's your funniest story involving a car?  not too long after I learned to drive, I was cruising down the highway with a couple of friends in the car. (This was way back when kids could drive with others of the same age in the car.) My friend Shawn was in the front seat behaving like a jackass, rooting through the glove box and moving his seat back and forth. All of a sudden, he reached over, turned the key, and pulled the key out of the starter! I was driving 55 miles an hour down the highway! and, by that point, hyperventilating. I think he realized that it was getting to the point where I might pass out or just lose control, because he stuck the key back in and "turned  the car back on." 

In case you were unaware, up to a certain model year, a car already running would allow that (for reasons I don't quite understand) and there were no practical effects. Well, except me wanting to murder Shawn!

160. What scientific discovery would change the course of humanity overnight if it was discovered?  an inexpensive, non-addictive cure for bad sleep

163. What's the scariest non-horror movie?  American Me

Smart bars on my actual kitchen counter165. What's the grossest food that you just can't get enough of?  I eat a lot of Detour Smart Bars. By "a lot" I mean maybe one every 2-3 days. A couple of the flavors are all right, and one actually tastes pretty close to what it claims to be. 

I think that was my sign that I had become 'a person who exercises', when I started eating protein bars - some of which taste mildly to extremely revolting - and literally started to think the phrase "fast energy."

166. What brand are you most loyal to?  Cheerios. Accept no substitute!

167. What's the most awkward thing that happens to you on a regular basis?  I stammer on the phone. My brain works faster than my mouth, or I get so distracted by what I listen to that I forget how to talk.  {shrug}  It's embarrassing but not the end of the world.

168. If you had to disappear and start a whole new life, what would you want your new life to look like?  there are a couple of books by David Cristofano, called The Girl She Used to Be and The Exceptions...

171. Where are you not welcome anymore?  the state of country music and parts of the Flat

175. What's a common experience for many people that you've never experienced?  having their eyes dilated for exams with their ophthalmologists. My irises (and thus pupils) are naturally, uh, larger than average, so my eye doctor has never had to dilate them to get the data necessary for a complete exam.

178. What's the most annoying noise?  leaf blowers

181. What's the dumbest thing someone has argued with you about? why I am not practicing law. It amazes me that anyone really still believes that they could change my mind about that.

[from here; the title quotation is by Anna Uhlich]

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