
two strange companions in the circles of life

Two turkeys, two on the fence, and four to write home about! This is a good set. A thriller, a couple of rom-coms, a buddy flick, historical drama, action-adventure, costume drama, and international indie-angsty. Something for everyone!

 (1995) - "An agoraphobic psychologist and a female detective must work together to take down a serial killer who copies serial killers from the past."
Source: I borrowed the DVD from my parents' collection
I watched it because: I've long had an amateur interest in psychology
IMDB: 6.6/10  -  Rotten Tomatoes: Tomatometer: 78% Audience: 64%
notable quote: "I'm not on duty—neither is my brain."
story: female psych prof is targeted by a nutjob. Fast forward, people are getting killed, cops go to the prof for help (sort of). Some things don't quite work out as planned.
visuals: it plays like a TV movie in spots. Not spectacular.
costumes, hair & makeup: not memorable
acting: Holly Hunter (M.J. Monahan) is a treat to watch. Her voice is unmistakable, and with her physicality makes the character her own.
intangibles: it's not great, but if I were in a hotel room waiting to get ready for dinner and it was between this and a marathon on HGTV, I would probably watch this. Is that normal criteria for others, too?
overall: recommended

Mr Wonderful
Mr. Wonderful
 (1993) - "In an attempt to end alimony payments, a working class man tries to set up his ex-wife with potential husbands."
Source: I borrowed the DVD from my parents' collection
I watched it because: the two leads have been in some things I've liked before, and it's such a doofy premise that I wanted to see how (i.e. whether) they managed to pull it off
IMDB: 5.9/10  -  Rotten Tomatoes: Tomatometer: 52% Audience: 43%
notable quote: "Are YOU mister WONDERFUL??"
story: plot holes so big you could drive a truck through them
visuals: undeniably pretty people (even underground) being pretty
costumes, hair & makeup: overalls, big hair, lots of pleats - it's a slice of 90's life
acting: the only one worth a damn here is David Barry Gray (Pope). Anyone who can realistically portray a character and electrocution in the same film is all right by me. (Whoops, spoiler.)
intangibles: call it "unbelievably terrible"
overall: not recommended

The Last Boy Scout
Last Boy Scout
 (1991) - "A private detective's protected female witness is murdered, prompting him and the victim's boyfriend to investigate the crime that leads to a corrupt politician and a crooked football team owner."
Source: I borrowed the DVD from my parents' collection
I watched it because: Bruce Willis is a usually solid choice
IMDB: 7.0/10  -  Rotten Tomatoes: Tomatometer: 46% Audience: 68%
notable quote: "I feel very old."
story: the plot is kinda loose and flabby, but it is just a fun, exciting popcorn movie to enjoy
visuals: lots of shit blowing up and good stunts
costumes, hair & makeup: the strip club clothes were well done
acting: I liked Willis (Joe Hallenbeck) and Damon Wayans (Jimmy Dix) - who was far more emotionally suited to the role than I'd given him credit for, and a real pleasure to watch. The two made a good pair.
intangibles: the critics didn't like this, but I really enjoyed it
overall: recommended

The Wind that Shakes the Barley
The Wind that Shakes the Barley
 (2006) - "Against the backdrop of the Irish War of Independence, two brothers fight a guerrilla war against British forces."
Source: I borrowed the DVD from my parents' collection
I watched it because: it's been on my list of movies to see for a long time
IMDB: 7.5/10  -  Rotten Tomatoes: Tomatometer: 90% Audience: 87%
notable quote: "Strange creatures we are, even to ourselves."
story: allegiances shift in the changing politics and dangerous life of a group of young men and women fighting for 'their' Ireland
visuals: quite beautiful scenery
costumes, hair & makeup: well matched to the period and conditions
acting: this is a Very Dramatic Movie, and all that drama threatens to overtake the entertainment value at times. Cillian Murphy (Damien O'Donovan) and Orla Fitzgerald (Sinead) are the best of the group.
intangibles: it was all right
overall: recommended with reservations

Friends with Money
Friends with Money
 (2006) - "After she quits her lucrative job, Olivia finds herself unsure about her future and her relationships with her successful and wealthy friends."
Source: I borrowed the DVD from my parents' collection
I watched it because: Jennifer Aniston is sometimes good in movies like this
IMDB: 5.7/10  -  Rotten Tomatoes: Tomatometer: 72% Audience: 40%
notable quote: "How do you know this, this 'shoe theory?'"
story: on paper it probably seemed witty, refreshing and smart
visuals: nothing brilliant
costumes, hair & makeup: the fancy dress was good, and the maid getup was probably the stuff of legend. Otherwise, y'know - clothes.
acting: 3 whining women and a bunch of men I wanted to punch in the face with their own nuts. Joan Cusack in particular gives fresh new meaning to the word annoying. Aniston (Olivia) and Bob Stephenson (Marty), on the other hand, were wonderful in this. 
intangibles: I hated the movie but loved Olivia and Marty. Can't watch it again because I think I would take a bat to the TV though.
overall: not recommended

The Poseidon Adventure
The Poseidon Adventure
 (1972) - "Nine people explore a cruise ship at sea in a manner that turns their whole lives upside down."
Source: I borrowed the DVD from my parents' collection
I watched it because: it's a classic that I'm pretty sure I've seen before but could not recall in specific detail
IMDB: 7.1/10  -  Rotten Tomatoes: Tomatometer: 79% Audience: 76%
AFI: 100 Years...100 Thrills (2001) #90
notable quote: "Take it easy, baby—I'll be back!"
story: the IMDB description (above) is ridiculously facile. Passenger steamer gets hit by a rogue wave and a group of people aboard ship try to save themselves.
visuals: spectacular visual effects for the time, with some gore and a lake of fire
costumes, hair & makeup: if you like women running around in their panties...
acting: I'm sorry. I know this is kind of a classic, and it won some awards and a lot of people think it's the shit, but I thought it was a Love Boat 2-hour special.
intangibles: "Come on!" "Come on!" "Come on!" Holy Hell the script is irritating and basic - roughly half of it is Gene Hackman's Reverend Scott hollering at the rest of the cast - and the last 2 minutes are Unbefuckinglievably neatly tied up with a bow. It was strangely fun to watch, but more strange than fun.
Academy Award winner:
• Special Achievement Award: Visual Effects
• Best Music, Original Song
Academy Award nominee:
• Best Supporting Actress--Shelley Winters
• Best Cinematography
• Best Art Direction--Set Decoration
• Best Costume Design
• Best Sound
• Best Film Editing
• Best Music, Original Dramatic Score
overall: recommended for reasons I cannot explain

Moll Fladers
Moll Flanders
 (1996) - "The daughter of a thief, young Moll is placed in the care of a nunnery after the execution of her mother. However, the actions of an abusive priest lead Moll to rebel as a teenager, escaping to the dangerous streets of London. Further misfortunes drive her to accept a job as a prostitute from the conniving Mrs. Allworthy. It is there that Moll first meets Hibble, who is working as Allworthy's servant, but takes a special interest in the young woman's well-being. With his help, she retains hope for the future, ultimately falling in love with an unconventional artist who promises the possibility of romantic happiness."
Source: I borrowed the DVD from my parents' collection
I watched it because: it's another classic that I had neither read nor seen on film
IMDB: 6.5/10  -  Rotten Tomatoes: Tomatometer: 43% Audience: 72%
notable quote: "Let me love you."
story: English trader and writer Daniel Defoe published this book (it's in the public domain now) in 1722. 
visuals: sumptuous and wonderful
costumes, hair & makeup: attractive and accurate
acting: Robin Wright (Moll Flanders) is becoming a favorite of mine because of her accomplishment in roles like this, Morgan Freeman (Hibble) put in a fine performance, and Stockard Channing (Mrs. Allworthy) made what could have been a caricature into a meaty part
intangibles: I enjoyed it very much
overall: recommended

Stealing Beauty
Stealing Beauty
 (1996) - "After her mother commits suicide, a young woman travels to Italy in search of love, truth, and a deeper connection with herself."
Source: I borrowed the DVD from my parents' collection
I watched it because: I don't recall ever seeing a Liv Tyler movie and was curious to see what she could do
IMDB: 6.6/10  -  Rotten Tomatoes: Tomatometer: 51% Audience: 75%
notable quote: "I was never very good at asking for the things I needed."
story: better, and more intricate, than the description sounds
visuals: terribly gorgeous. Small Italian village, lots of pretty people, occasional nudity.
costumes, hair & makeup: beautifully done 
acting: Tyler (Lucy Harmon) was good. Jeremy Irons (Alex) was extraordinary - this is one of the best performances I've seen. Donal McCann (Ian) was terrific, too.
intangibles: one of those films that sneaks up on you and, when it's over, leaves you reeling. I already want to go back and watch it again, to see what I might have missed.
overall: highly recommended

[the title quotation is from Moll Flanders]

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