
either you are all free, or you are not free

 from This or That

1. Dog or cat?  cat, of course. Dogs tend to be too intense and insistent for me.

2. Netflix or YouTube?  youTube

3. Phone call or text?  text—though selective phone calls are, in a very different way, as good as text

4. Toast or eggs?  toast

5. Cardio or weights?  cardio

6. Facebook or Twitter?  each has its purposes

7. Ice cream cone or SnoCone?  ice cream

8. Mobile games or console games?  I'm no gamer

9. While walking: music or podcasts?  neither

10. iOS or Android?  iOS

sunscreen always needed!11. Form or function?  function

12. Pop or indie?  indie

13. Cake or pie?  cake

14. Swimming or sunbathing?  sunbathing - with a spatula handy

15. High tech or low tech?  medium?

16. Big party or small gathering?  very small

17. New clothes or new phone?  clothes

18. Rich friend or loyal friend?  loyal

19. Football or basketball?  football

20. Work hard or play hard?  play

21. Nice car or nice home interior?  nice home

22. What's worse, laundry or dishes?  Never. Ending. Dishes!

23. Jogging or hiking?  given those options, I'll take hiking  

24. Bath or shower?  bath

25. Sneakers or sandals?  sandals

[from here; the title quotation is by Walter Cronkite]

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