
isn't he the cutest thing?

 from 351 good questions to ask

237. What escalated very quickly?  personal paper products shortages

238. What two things are terrible when separate but great when you put them together? a couple of my coworkers—because once they are together they keep the terrible away from all the rest of us

239. What did you believe in for way too long as a child?  fear of mozzarella cheese

241. What still makes you cringe when you think back on it?  during junior year of college, I lived in a horrid apartment in a terrible house about two blocks away from our favorite bar. I was 20 years old but looked 17 on a good day, so drinking in bars was a challenge for me. My roommate's dad happened to own that bar, though, so more often than not I got away with hanging out there. One night that I remember (or have been told about enough times that it seems like a memory), I was drinking beer at the bar, and doing root beer barrel shots—root beer Schnapps in a rocks glass with a double-shot of beer dropped in at the last second, and then you shoot the whole thing. It tastes like real root beer going down, if you're drunk enough to start with. At the end of the night, the bartender (Lumpy) set up a bar pitcher. He just dumped a bunch of booze in a beer pitcher and started it at one end of the bar. Each person took a sip—or tossed it back, depending how hammered they were to begin with—and then passed it on to the person next to them who repeated the process. I was at one end of the bar so I started or finished more than one pitcher that night. Plus Lumpy was doing shots off my hands, which always "earned" me a free shot of my own. I probably drank $50 worth of alcohol that night for $10. I distinctly recall going into the grungy bathroom to pee and needing to concentrate hard so I wouldn't drop my keys into the toilet, or fall on my face. When he finally booted us out of the bar at 2:00 or so (only an hour after closing time), I was doing all right. Had my keys in hand and was pointed toward home...until I started to feel that gurgly nonsense that signaled a reversal of digestive fortunes. I leaned over to my right, and vomited in someone's yard. Sorry! A few steps later, it happened again. And again. And again. I probably puked ten times in two blocks. Considering my body weight and the chance that I hadn't eaten anything all day, it's a good thing because I was probably courting alcohol poisoning, but it's still pretty horrible. My hometown is known for stupid, disgusting college kids, and that is prehaps the worst example of me having been one.

242. What current trend makes no sense to you?  "COVID parties." That's as stupid as chicken pox parties.

243. If you owned a restaurant, what kind of food would it serve?  having worked in a restaurant, I can almost guarantee I would never own one. Even under optimal circumstances they are a terrible investment

246. What do a lot of people have very strong opinions about, even though they know very little?  proper lawn care

247. What's your go-to casino game?  I only play slot machines that take pennies

248. An epic feast is held in your honor. What's on the table?  Mom's roast beast, mashed potatoes, gravy, and homemade buns. Everything else is just side dishes.

249. What's your favorite holiday movie?  A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving [link died]

250. Who is the most manipulative person you've ever met? pretty sure they would find themselves here, and I have no interest in that drama

251. Who is the most creative person you've ever met?  the child of a dear college friend. She always has something cooking, literally or figuratively.

253. What seemingly innocent question makes you think, "It's a trap!"? when my boss says, "just one thing before you go...?" 

254. How ambitious are you? on a scale from 1-10, I would put it at a solid 2

255. What do you dislike/like about where you grew up?  dislike: the weather is extreme at times, and a local obsession.      like: there is some fantastic architecture. I take it for granted because it's been around all my life but most little cities don't have buildings like we do, all over town.

256. What elements of pop culture will be forever tied in your mind to your childhood?  MTV was launched during my childhood. That should pretty well explain everything that I [wished I] was about.

[from here; the title quotation is from A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving]

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