
trying to figure out how this applies

You said one thing as a way of not saying something else. 
You wrote something so that other things wouldn’t be written. 
You drew me a picture of one thing and not anything else. 
I’m trying to figure out how this applies to what you’ve gone 
And done in case, by doing so, a solution to the problem we’ve been 
Having no success solving makes itself evident. For the sake of 
Argument, let’s say I’m a crime and you’re a clue and someone 
Else, we don’t know who, is the detective. We’re on the Wind 
River and it’s twilight and you have on your windbreaker of many 
Pockets and I have on my boots in which I hide whatever needs 
To be hidden. To be perfectly accurate you are barefoot and I 
Have nothing to hide at the moment. Wild geese. Two butterflies 
Of black and blue geometry. A coal train. Skid marks on the 
Curve in the road that will point us slowly into a nearby cave. 

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