
we all like chicken

 from Questions to Ask by Text

14. What's the worst text that you accidentally sent?  never say never, but don't have anything for this category at the moment

15. What thing do you really wish you could buy right now?  some accoutrements for "my good camera"

17. What's the funniest picture you have on your phone?  (a metal sculpture) 

19. What are some unwritten rules?  (A) Anytime you can, pet a kitty. (B) If you're a boss, don't call your employees within the last hour of the workweek to tell them that they are unproductive. (C) Unless absolutely necessary, avoid parking next to anyone else's driver's side door. (D) No wire hangers! (E) Ask before you eat the last of the pie.

20. What happens in real life but rarely gets portrayed in the movies?  real life

21. What isn't real but you desperately wish was?  "a good job"

22. What's the best "hidden gem" that you've found?  coincidentally, my internet browser history is filled with "hidden gems in _____" and "hidden gem restaurants in _____" searches. I've found and sifted through hundreds of them. The best? Probably a combination arcade and bar that's behind a locked door for which one gets the combination by giving a code (freely published online) to the bartender of the upstairs bar.

23. What's the silliest thing you are passionate about?  this blog 

24. What do you hate/love most about your phone?  the battery life leaves a lot to be desired. I do love that it still fits in my pocket (most of the time).

25. What's the most ridiculous thing you've seen online recently?  while shopping for Itty Bitty Rubber Chickens (the 1.5 inch size) I read some reviews that blew me away. The ridiculousness of some people never ceases to amaze.

[from here; the title quotation is by Malcolm X, from The Autobiography of Malcolm X]

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