
I like too many things and get all confused and hung-up running from one falling star to another till i drop. This is the night, what it does to you

 from 351 good questions to ask

257. What's your good luck charm?  it's not a thing, but a feeling

258. What's legal now, but probably won't be in 25 years?  some of the crazy shit that's going on in the national parks

259. Would you want the ability to hear the thoughts of people near you if you couldn't turn the ability off?  nah, a lot of the time I don't want to hear the spoken words of people near me

260. When was the last time you stayed up through the entire night?  college, probably

261. What's something that people think makes them look cool, but has the opposite effect? "loud pipes save lives" bumper stickers

Maxine's pearls

262. What's the oldest thing you own?  a double strand of graduated-sized pearls

263. What has someone borrowed but never given back?  several of my favorite movies on DVD

264. Where is the best place you've been for taking walks?  Bethesda, Maryland and Washington, DC

265. If cartoon physics suddenly replaced real physics, what are some things you would want to try?  catapulting anvils and dropping pianos

266. What from the present will withstand the test of time?  some of the back-to-basics changes that people are making. Buying and playing more board games, reading and talking about more books, listening to more music (and on vinyl!). Growing and cooking real food. Trying to find ways to simplify and streamline and slim down their lives, eliminating the things that get in the way, focusing on what brings contentment and comfort and happiness.

267. Who in your life is the worst at using technology?  a co-worker in my department who gives new meaning to the word 'gullible'

268. What's the weirdest conversation you've eavesdropped on?  I have reason to be present for another's conversations now and then, due to proximity and ... trust. It's not precisely "eavesdropping" since it happens on purpose - and I cannot avoid it. Each is weird in a way, in particular because I've been allowed to be there.

269. What just-around-the-corner tech are you eager to get your hands on?  it's getting to be time to shop for a new computer, and maybe a new phone as well. Not that I'm dying for the newest tech, more like my computer is a little balky (filled with projects!) and my phone is starting to reject being charged.

270. What is the darkest movie you've ever seen?  Lamb, with Liam Neeson

271. What do you do when you hear something fall in the middle of the night while you are in bed?  shoot first, ask questions later—I live alone, so there ought not to be things falling in the middle of the night!

[from here; the title quotation is by Jack Kerouac, from On the Road]

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