
if you have extraordinary bread and extraordinary butter, it's hard to beat bread and butter

 from 250 conversation starters

258. What food looks disgusting but tastes delicious?  real, homemade refried beans

yellow/pink Golden Delicious apples are the best

259. What do you get every time you go grocery shopping?  Golden Delicious apples, Cheerios, and mango Greek yogurt

260. If your life was a meal, what kind of meal would it be?  it would be a long, lazy scrounge through many courses. Lots of different things, not too much of anything, moving from item to item and phase to phase without notice. Free-flowing alcohol and caffeine, enough to be a little loose or a lot wired. More sweets than you might expect. Full, intriguing, and different.

262. What food do you know you shouldn't eat, but cannot stop yourself?  buttery biscuits

263. Do you like spicy food? Why or why not? What is the spiciest thing you have ever eaten?  I don't like it as a rule because I simply don't enjoy it all that much. It doesn't generally appeal to me. However, when I have a cold or congestion of any kind, I crave (moderately) spicy Chinese food. 

    The spiciest thing I've ever tried was the wasabi at the Chinese restaurant by the golf course in DeK. I would not walk in the door of that place now, but I used to eat there all the time with Nick. The weird thing is that the wasabi tasted pretty good, even though it burned the surface off my tongue.

264. To what extent should government regulate food? "some"

266. If your mind were an island, what would it look like?  this is my personality map (at left)

268. If you had a personal mascot, what would your mascot be?  Bella the cat

large Wing chair
269. If you were a queen, what would your throne look like? Stressless by Ekornes Wing Large Signature Base (black)

270. Time freezes for everyone but you for one day. What do you do?  read and take a nap

271. You have to relive one day of your life forever—which day do you choose?  August 16th

272. What does your personal hell look like? How about your own personal heaven?  Hell is the rest of my life looking as it has this past week. Heaven is a different job, better money, greater contentment in my career, renewed health and fitness, a smaller abode, a solid retirement plan, and some books to read.

273. You find a remote that can rewind, fast forward, stop, and start time. What do you do with it?  rewind to some good parts, fast forward past the rough parts, stop for the best parts, and start when I'm hungry again

274. If you could call up anyone in the world and have a one-hour conversation, whom would you call?  D

276. A portal to another world opens in front of you. You don't know how long it will stay open or if you'll be able to get back after you go through. What do you do?  I would not go

[from here; the title quotation is by Jacques Pépin]

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