
I'm not a businessman. I'm a business, man!

 from Interesting Questions to Ask a Girl

1. What is something that most people learn only after it is too late?  how to change a tire

2. If you could change 3 things about your country, what would you change?  the government and politics salary and wage structure; the rules surrounding electoral districting; and the frivolous use of the national anthem, which is sung far too often and badly

3. What was one of the best days of your life?  the day I was sworn in as an attorney. It was kind of a non-event for others (there was no party, and no one made it a big deal) but I felt like it was a big deal, rewarding, and happy.

4. If you could trade one year of your life for $30,000, how many years would you trade in?  ten

5. Would you rather have a very long (120 years) comfortable but boring life, or live half as long but have an exciting life packed with adventure?  easy--I will take the exciting, shorter version!

7. What skill or craft would you like to master?  handling sudden, excessive wealth

Nieman Marcus cookies8. What is something that everyone should be able to do?  bake cookies

9. How do you feel about cars becoming fully autonomous, having no steering wheel, brakes or accelerator?  that sounds a whole lot like public transport

10. Besides food/water, medicine, or money, what would be the most helpful thing to air drop to refugees in a war-torn country? hygiene products

11. If you didn't have to worry about money, what would you do all day?  work at my volunteer position

12. If you could slow down time, what would you do with that power?  what would anyone do? I would enjoy more time with the people I love, presumably spend less time on the stuff I don't like, take greater care when needed to avoid stupid errors and accidents—and fuck with people's heads a little

13. Would you rather go to a club, house party, or a small get-together of 4 or 5 friends? how about just one other person? I'm really at my best one on one. Or prehaps with a cat.

14. What subculture do you wish you knew more about?  glassblowers


15. What fact amazes you every time you think of it?  athletes and actors used to serve in the military

16. What common misconception do you hate to hear repeated as fact?  that politicians know a goddamned thing about anything other than making noise out their faces

19. You have unlimited funds to make a viral video—what do you make? an ad for a friend's fledgling side business, into which I am scheming to acquire a minority share

21. Why can't most people keep up with trends in music/fashion/tech as they get older? because "the trends" are not important to begin with, and superficiality becomes less important over time.

[from here; the title quotation is by Jay-Z]

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