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 from Random Questions to Ask a Girl
1. What word do you always misspell?  no one could possibly believe how often I misspell my first name. It happens, conservatively, ten times a week. 
2. What is the ugliest vegetable?  the artichoke. One would need to be VERY hungry to look at that f'd up thing and think it was food! Choke is right.
3. What is the absolute worst movie you have ever seen?  with all due disrespect to Joe v. the Volcano, it was All Hat, a Canadian Western with Luke Kirby. Godawful! 
4. What food do you crave most often?  lately I've been dying for salty, buttery popcorn 
5. What is the grossest sounding English word?  'moist' 
6. What is the silliest thing you get nostalgic for?  crappy food from the places where I used to live. Phili cheese steaks, Marco's pizza, beer nuggets, cottage fries, calzone, diner breakfasts, bagels... 
7. When is lying the right thing to do?  I think that's a question each of us has to answer for ourselves 
8. What is your dream car?  something with a nice, rumbly engine, slightly fat tires, and comfy seats 
9. What quote do you (try to) live by?  "don't get attached to the plan"
10. What is your hometown famous for?  a company that makes nuts, screws - and money
11. Which appliance can you not live without?  microwave
12. Whose advice do you always listen to?  only my own conscience 
13. Would you enjoy a vacation away from all of your technology?  definitely 
Venn diagrams are the best
14. What is your version of "There's two types of people in this world..."? see Venn diagram at right
15. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?  lightly salted roasted almonds 
16. What product would you seriously stockpile if you found out they weren't going to sell it anymore?  Diet Mt. Dew 
18. Do you think the world would be a better or worse place if everyone suddenly could read each others' thoughts?  much, much, much worse. Privacy is a very key need. 
19. If you lived in a tribal society, what role would you play (e.g. hunter, gatherer, shaman, chieftain, etc.)?  enchantress 
21. Would you rather take a two-week all-expenses-paid vacation right now, or a one-month all-expenses-paid vacation in one year?  two weeks now, thanks! 
[from here; the title quotation is by Mikko Hyppönen]

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