
show me a hero, and I'll write you a tragedy

 from Closed-ended questions 
1. Do you believe good luck charms work?  not exactly? - but that's not always the point
2. What is/was your favorite history topic in school?  Europe in World War II
3. What social media platform do you use most often?  FB, at the moment
4. Do you like where you live?  yup
5. What company do you despise most?  eh, I'm not a big hater in this way
6. Will we ever discover extraterrestrial life?  no
7. Have you ever gone skydiving?  no
8. What hobby do you spend the most time on?  blogging and other writing
9. How often do you brush your teeth?  3-7 times per day
10. What sport do you watch most often?  ideally, golf. Also football.
11. Do you like Pina Coladas?  no, coconut is not for drinking
12. Do you like getting stuck in the rain?  yes (as long as it's warm)
13. What’s the opposite of a penguin?  a prairie dog
14. Are you an organ donor?  not yet, but I do hope to be one someday
15. Do you consider yourself to be a good cook?  yep
16. Are you happy with where you live?  mostly, most of the time
17. What’s your favorite possession?  some letters and photos
18. Are you an easy-going person?  in my real life, yes
19. What’s your worst habit?  overthinking
20. How many hours of free time do you have on an average weekday?  what exactly is free time?
21. Do you think humans will colonize another planet or moon in the next 100 years?  no
22. Do you look through the bathroom drawers when you go to the bathroom in someone’s house?  no—why would I?
23. What emotion do you feel most?  challenge
24. How many cups of coffee do you usually drink in a day?  zero
25. Do you consider yourself to be a goal-oriented person?  no
26. What grocery store do you shop at most often?  HV
27. Do you think other intelligent life exists in the universe?  no
28. Do you listen to podcasts?  no
29. Who is your favorite superhero?  I don't believe in superheroes
30. About how many books do you read on average in a year?  100
31. How many cans of soda do you drink in an average week?  .5
32. Do you prefer big parties or small gatherings?  small
33. Are you more of an introvert or extrovert?  introvert
34. Do you think the future will be better or worse than the present?  better
35. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?  not yet
36. Do you usually wear a watch?  no
37. Can you wiggle your ears?  no
38. Would you be the leader of your country if asked?  God no—never
39. Do you regularly play any musical instrument?  not for years
40. Do you plan on leaving the country for vacation, business, or some other reason in the next year?  that had been a stated intention for some time, but that's changed
41. At what age do you think you’ll retire?  75
42. Do you consider yourself to be more or less stressed than the average person?  about average
43. Are you a good person?  no
44. Have you ever changed your car’s oil?  with the help of professionals
45. On average, how many hours a day do you spend looking at a screen?  11
46. What is the funniest word you can think of?  trousers
47. What is your favorite type of international food?  I eat a lot of Italian
48. Should people be able to sell their organs?  no
49. Are you good at fixing things around the house?  some, yes
50. Do you own a car?  ayup

[from here; the title quotation is attributed to F. Scott Fitzgerald]

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