
there is a goodly froth in the uppermost portion, that it seems almost whipped

I no longer say that my beer 
has “head”; I say it has a foamy 
top. I say there is a goodly froth 
in the uppermost portion, 
that it seems almost whipped. 

No, I don’t say that my beer 
seems “whipped” or that it has 
“head,” even as I never ask 
if people are “coming." 
"I am having a big party— 

are you coming?” seems 
horribly confusing to me. 
I ask them if they “plan 
to attend,” and when they 
get there and begin to tap 

my keg, I warn them that 
they’ll get a lot of “froth” 
or “foam” if they’re not careful. 
And when they ask how 
I’m doing, I never say, 

anymore, that I feel “gay." 
I just don’t put it that way.  
I never use the phrase, 
"standing erect,” either. 
I say, “standing straight up." 

I also never refer to my 
donkey as an "ass,” nor do I say 
that I’m planning to “ride 
some ass” if what I mean 
is that I’m going for a ride 

on Mr. Fibitz. Nor do I ever 
use the word “mount" 
to indicate getting on Mr. Fibitz. 
I don’t even say "getting on” 
Mr. Fibitz anymore. It’s confusing 
for the listener, and the listener 
is whom I care about. However, 
sitting erect on Mr. Fibitz I do feel gay, 
happy enough to ride him for hours— 
it’s just no longer what I say. 

[Aaron Belz {1971- } 'mr. fibitz', from Lovely, Raspberry]

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