
he has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire

from 132 Best Questions 
What do you secretly love about yourself?
  my crooked smile
What would you do if you did not care what others thought?
  punch my annoying neighbor in the face with a claw hammer
shelving mysteries
A stylist notices a complicated hairstyle, a singer notices a talented vocalist… what do you notice?
   other peoples' methods of book and media shelving
What do you love to learn about?
  the building of the Panama Canal, investing, and photography
What’s your hidden hobby?
   collecting selfies with friends
What sparks your creativity, makes the wheels in your head start turning?
  intriguing questions and puzzles
What do people compliment you on?
  depends on the people. One of my coworkers thinks I am HILARIOUS, and will tell me that every time she sees me. She also thinks I have fantastic taste in shoes and jewelry. She is an extremely mild-mannered person who borders on passive aggression a lot of the time, so it can be hard to tell where she's going with the compliments.
Who is your idol? Why?
What could you do all day and not consider it a waste of time?
  I don't generally do things that I consider a waste of time (apart from work, which is a necessary evil)
mmm Cheerios
What one thing would you find a way to do, no matter what?
   eat breakfast. I've never understood how people can routinely go without it; I wake up voracious!
You’re in an elevator with your hero. You have 90 seconds to tell them about yourself. What do you say?
   were I in an elevator with my hero, I wouldn't bother telling them about me. That's hardly the point of the interaction. I would ask them something about themselves.
You’re given one wish… but you can’t use it on yourself. What would you wish for?
   health and prosperity for my loved ones
If you got to create your own job, what would it look like?
  researcher and personal assistant to an entrepreneur and investor, or cataloger for a collector
If you could receive an unrestricted, unlimited grant to complete one project, what would that project be?
   compiling an online anthology of poetry
What do you really love?
If you could follow someone around for a day, who would you follow around and why?
   Stephen King. He's an unpretentious working writer who also happens to seem like a good human being.
What’s something you’d do even if you never made any money?
What would you write a book about? 
  my chequered past
What would you build if you had unlimited resources?
   a MFing parking lot for the public library in this town (and maybe a quality, clean collection to go with it)
[from here; the title quotation is by Sir Winston Churchill, from Wealth, War, and Wisdom]

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