
I got my heart's desire, and there my troubles began

from Random questions 
Do you bite or lick ice cream?
ice cream
  bite the solid stuff, lick soft-serve
What is home to you?
  where I sleep
What was the last lie you told?
  I said that my headache was gone; sometimes it's just easier
Does everyone deserve the truth?
  Nathan Jessup was right—most people can't handle the truth
What is the creepiest toy ever made? 
Describe a moment in which you did something unacceptable in a bad situation:
  I did not go to Chris' funeral, and have not been to see his grave.
List two things that are more easily done than said:
  tying one's shoes and covering a book
When was the last time you worked really hard to achieve something? 
  spring and summer
How many all-nighters have you pulled?
  dozens: college, grad school, law school, and various romantic situations therein
If humans didn't evolve to laugh or smile, how would we express our happiness instead?
  it shows in our eyes
How many romantic "things" or "flings" have you had?
  that is need-to-know, and the internet does not
What is your paradise?
  it's not a place—it's a person
a cat that purrs
What is your favorite background noise?
 (e.g. water dripping, people talking)  river water or a cat purr
How many hearts do you think you have broken? 
  two, that I know of
Why do people care about celebrities? Do you care about celebrities?
  distraction, hero worship, fantasy. It's not inherently dangerous, just some waste of time. And no, I do not.
What is the most annoying thing someone can do to you?
  wake me abruptly or harshly
Do you over-exaggerate? What are the pros and cons of this?
  the word 'over-exaggerate' is, in itself, an exaggeration. Just sayin'.
    Some wise man (Jean-François de La Harpe) once said that we always weaken whatever we exaggerate, and that is true. There may be flash, but no substance.
Do you like taking selfies? Why or why not?
  I don't like to take them, but I love to get them - especially now
gift. wrapped.
List 3 things you like about yourself:
  shoulder blades, musical taste, and gift-wrapping skills
What is the best advice someone has ever given you?
  'hold on loosely'   
Do you have what it takes to raise a child? Why or why not?
  no. I think that I could have done it with the right dad, but that time is done.
In a regular day, what do you not want to hear?
  lawn mowers, "you need to be more humble," banjos, "I have a call for you from...," or a chirping smoke alarm
When was the last time you felt awkward?
  today (as I answer this question), asking whether someone had blocked me from their social media
Are you introverted or extroverted? Or a mixture of both?
  I am extremely introverted with a very small circle of close friends whose company I actively seek.
What constitutes a good friend?
  there is no one answer to that, thank God. It varies, and it evolves as people change.
Would you rather have a lot of friends to hang out with or just one best friend? 
  it's not a matter of what I would rather. It's impossible for me to have a big group anymore. I could do that when I was in high school and college, when the situation demanded it and alcohol made it less difficult to get through with my sanity. As an adult, I have neither the 'emotional energy' nor the patience to deal with maintaining social façades and acquaintances. If I seek out your friendship and company, then you matter a great deal to me.
[From here; the title quotation is by Lev Grossman, from The Magicians]

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