
people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them

from Self-Reflection Questions
2. What value do you bring to the world? 
4. What’s your favorite thing about yourself? 
  my toes
6. What’s your “why”?
  puzzles. Challenges. Quests.
2. How can you add more fun into your life?
  replace the furnace with nitrous?
4. What adventure would completely excite you right now?
  a trip south (or overseas)
6. What’s your stress level like lately?
  I cannot ethically answer this question
8. On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you with your life right now?
  probably a seven? I have a great family, fantastic friends, I work for a good company (albeit in a shit job), live in an awesome house populated with a couple dozen plants and hundreds of books. There are some little pieces that could fit together more smoothly, but overall it's pretty amazing.
2. Are the obstacles in your path real or did you make them up?
  some of each, of course
6. When you’re telling your grandkids about your life, what do you want to tell them about?
  I'll begin by telling them how they miraculously appeared without me ever having goddamned children...
8. Which dream would you invest in first if you won the lottery today?
  leaving my job
2. What regrets do you have?
  trying fudge brownie M&Ms, not buying the giraffe boots, and accepting the charges when someone called from the jail
2. What has allowed you to accomplish as much as you have in life?
  attending public universities, which provided a quality education at relatively low cost
4. What is something you’d love to learn?
  it might be easier to list things I wouldn't like to learn. Taxidermy, square dancing, cooking with liver...
6. When was the last time you did something for the first time?
  ha! Last Tuesday.
2. How does minimalism play a role in your life?
  I regularly look around the house and wonder what I can sell, donate, give away, recycle, or throw away. Does that count?
4. How often do you practice self-care?
6. Do you plan your day the night before?
  to some extent, yes—during the work week days only. On the weekends it's a free-for-all.
2. If someone else described you, what do you think they’d say?
  that depends very much on the someone, and how they know me. My dad would say something different from my mom, and my brother something different from my sister. My grade school bff would note something altogether distinct from what my college bff would see. 
a fightin' wolverine
6. How do you handle conflict?
   often, I deal with it very well. Rarely, worse than a wolverine in a trap.
8. How similar are you to your parents?
  very ... sporadically
10. What do you believe is the most important characteristic someone can have?
[from here; the title quotation is by George Bernard Shaw, from Mrs. Warren's Profession]

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