
quell the notion that some are destined to suffer while others revel in riches

Alchemy at the indecent hour, nothing is what it seems. By the by, 
matchbooks from nameless dives emerge as diminutive epiphanies. 
Catcalls: customary in a city that never sleeps. Desire braids fury. 
Each flint is a key to a would-be flame. Flourish of smoke escapes 
like ribbons pirouetting. Gilded by vanities of youth when sleep 
seems vulgar, ego flirts with inevitability—the underbelly. Horror a 
carnival mirror: marbled human distortions. 
Instead, imbibe the medicine that we are divine beings worthy of 
serendipity—peace, at the very least. Jesus, Buddha, Allah, Shiva, 
Gaia, magical bloom, et cetera—we pray to the same source—the 
cosmic undertow. Knowing, they say, is half the battle, but when 
will we practice what we preach? Leave it to us to fashion diurnal 
Matter of fact: nothing here is solid. Not our rickety bones, nor
our mortgaged homes. Oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon— 
we are the stuff of magma—starseeds. Perhaps in sleep, we can 
render ourselves sacred. Quell the notion that some are destined 
to suffer while others revel in riches. Remember, abundance is 
found within. 
Some call it a kind of verisimilitude to subsist without pleasure—
simple pat on the shoulder or a half-hearted embrace when the 
body rings electric. To know the depths of loneliness, rub two
sticks together at the bottom of a murky basin for a spark that
may never happen. Unearth the map of storied constellations.
Vibe the unknown. Wager that fear is not our common dialect.
Xenophobic tendencies only yield calamity. Yellow, black, brown,
indigo, crystal, rainbow: such majestic frequencies. Zoom further
out to commune with the moon before heralding our extinction. 

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