
should is my all time least favorite word. It’s this sort of guilt inducing, finger wagging word that we use to beat up others and ourselves

from Random questions 
61. If you could turn one legal thing illegal, what would it be?
   the phrase "I'll give you a call sometime"
62. Do you have any guilty pleasures?
  yep, but I don't feel too guilty about them
hampster dance
63. What is the best thing that the internet has ever created?
64. Do you like playing video games? Which video games?
65. What is your opinion on beauty in today's society?
   today, this very day? Beauty is taking a backseat to health, which is a nice change.
66. Are you a morning person? When do you usually wake up?
   oh my God no. I have to get up early for work - around 7 - so I generally wake up around then every day, but left to my own devices (without neighbor dogs to rouse me) I would go a couple hours later
68. Would you rather live in the city or in the countryside?
69. Would you rather live near the ocean or in the mountains?
70. What are the best things about winter?
  the end
71. What scares you most about the future? 
  that reminds me of something my then-boyfriend and eventual spouse once said: 'Well, we could be poor, fat, ugly, and alone!'
73. How many hours do you spend on the computer or phone on average?
  in a day? 12, maybe 16 (overlapping)
75. What is your life story in 6 words?
  "Blue eyes, cold feet, and headachy"
76. Describe yourself in one word:
   rule breaker
should blah should blah should blah
77. What bad habits do you have?
  carbs, swearing, watching movies when I should be cleaning, cleaning when I should be applying for jobs, writing when I should be sleeping, applying for jobs when I should be working out, gambling, drinking, sarcasm...
80. Imagine if you had an older brother. If you already have one, what is it like? If you don't, how would this change your life?
  he would not be pleased at being referred to as 'it'
81. Spirit animal?
   I want to be a cat, but I'm probably a dog. That's so disappointing.
82. Do you believe in horoscopes?
  I believe that they exist, and that some people live by them
83. What is the worst advice you've ever been given?
   "patience is a virtue"
84. List the 3 most important people in your life right now. 
 D, my parents (who function as one unit), and my college bff
87. Do you have a role model? Why or why not?
   not generally, no. Most of the people I look up to are in different circumstances, so they are good examples only in specific ways.
90. List some things that you think are overpriced: 
  allergy medicine, fountain pop, and logo t-shirts
[from here; the title quotation is by Frank Beddor]

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