
the game takes no care for your interest. It plays you either way

from Self-Reflection Questions 
1. Do you like who you have become?
   in general, sure
3. What are your core strengths?
   I don't even know how to answer this question?
5. Which three words describe you best?
   open, exacting, and clever
1. What excites you?
  caffeine, good news, and class action payouts
3. What do you need to forgive yourself for?
   that's between me and Kylie (my therapist)
5. If you’re feeling down, how do you cheer yourself up?
   exercise, music, and writing
7. What has caused you joy this week?
   one unexplainable sound
9. How do you handle anger and frustration?
   the drugs help...
1. What does your ideal day look like?
   sleep until I wake without an alarm; long slow breakfast while reading; gradually get out of bed and get ready for the world; slowly start exploring; eventually get moving, maybe shopping or walking or go on an adventure; nice dinner; back home for the wind-down
3. Are you doing what you truly want to do?
  at the moment, yes. In general... sometimes.
5. What big changes do you want to make in your life? 
  smaller house. Smaller me. More money. Less debt.
7. What’s the biggest thing holding you back from your goals?
3. What’s your favorite memory?
   a hug
1. What’s a new skill you’ve learned recently, either personally or professionally?
  applying online for an Employee Identification Number for an entity
3. What are your professional strengths?
   innovative problem-solving, documentation, cool head, and efficient research
5. If money was no object, what would you do all day?
  write, read, sleep, take pictures, and (sometimes) wander about
1. What’s your favorite self-care activity?
   bubble baths
3. How do you practice mindfulness?
  before clicking to Send an email, I recheck the To field and often have a sip of water to take a moment to consider what I am shooting out
5. How productive are you?
  I saw my doctor recently for a medications check, and by going over my symptoms we have determined that one drug I've been taking for about 3 years is no longer having the same effect. In fact, it is now making me distracted, shortening my attention span, and probably contributing to weight gain. That is awesome! 
    No, seriously, it is awesome - because it means there's a reason and a solution.
    So, productive? On a 0-10 scale I'm probably hovering around 5 right now, with a typical rate of 8-ish.
7. What benefits do you get from self-care?
  colorful toenails, smoother skin, and a few more years of liver function
1. If you could have dinner with anyone—dead or alive—who would it be and what would you ask them?
   Chris. I would not say anything except, "I love you." And I would listen to, and commit to memory, every word he said, every expression on his face, and his laugh.
3. Who are you craving a deeper relationship with?
   someone very rich and very generous
5. What is your favorite topic to talk about?
  depends with whom I am talking
7. Who do you look up to?
  Georgie, Curt, and the man-crush
9. What is the nicest thing someone has ever told you?
   "it's not as if I don't love you..."
11. How many people are in your inner circle?
 [from here; the title quotation is by Brandon Sanderson, from Starsight]

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