
be as simple as you can be; you will be astonished to see how uncomplicated and happy your life can become

from Good small talk questions
2. What do you do when you’re not working?
   relax, breathe, live
east lake in December
 3. What do you like the most about living here?
   in this town? It is beautiful, in the way that my mind comprehends the word.
 5. Do you prefer to visit people or have guests?
  it depends very much on the people. There are not too many people I like to have over.
 8. Do you go to a gym?
   no, I work out in my basement during the winter and bad weather, and walk the trail when it's nice out
9. Did you watch/read the news today?
I surrender!
 10. What's up with your weather?
   sunny and not that cold today, so my driveway melted off - just in time for (as I write this) a winter storm watch tonight and tomorrow. It looks like rain starting around 2:30, changing to snow, which will continue to 2:00 in the afternoon. Blegh
 11. Do you like board games or video games? 
  I like board games very much, but I'm not too fond of video games
12. How does a good day start for you? 
  text message (it's rare, which is why it's so terrific)
 13. What’s your favorite cuisine? 
  "new American"
15. How do you know people where you live?
  I was born here, so I have family in the area. I also went to grade school, junior high and senior high here, and many of my classmates are still around. And then I attended one of the local universities. I also worked at a couple of businesses in town. I left for a few years in the middle, but moved back a half-dozen years ago, and have worked at my present company ever since. 
    It's rare for me to go to any business function or public event without running into someone I'm related to, went to school with, or know from work.  Or dated.
 18. Is there anyone in your life that you feel like you'd met before?
   I met the cop when we were young teens, and we hadn't seen each other for 25 years before this fall. That probably counts.
19. Where do you prefer to watch movies?
   at this time, I watch either in my living room or in the basement. Living room is generally a couch vantage point, and basement is from the treadmill.
20. Do you like music?
  I love music. I've been working on a couple of playlists lately, so I've listened to the same set of about 30 songs on seemingly endless repeat. Once those are ironed out, I'll probably be back to more of a variety.
 21. Do you have any hobbies? 
  far too many. For instance, I've recently taken up hand-coloring postcards.
25. When & where is your next trip? 
  I'm hoping for at least a long weekend in the next month, maybe 6 weeks - either someplace warm or (oddly) colder and more snowy than here!
 26. Are you into sports?
   I don't love to participate, but I sure like to watch. For a while it seemed like I might get dragged into someone else's fervor for the outdoors, but that threat has waned.
27. Do you follow tech trends and news?
   not as a rule, though one of my news sources goes in that direction now and then
 28. What’s your favorite music genre?
   I'm not so much about the genre or the style but about the lyrics. (I realize that there are musical purists who are probably cringing reading this!) All else being equal, though, I gravitate toward alternative.
 29. Do you follow any internet personalities?
   pretty sure that no one on the internet has a personality
 31. Have you seen any good movies lately?
  the last really good movie I saw was The Dandelion, which has been reviewed but the review hasn't posted yet (as I'm writing this). It was like a fairytale, sweet and uncomplicated.
32. Do you have any plans for the weekend? 
  I think there's a football game...?
 34. How was your weekend?
   it was really, really good
[from here (strongly adapted); the title quotation is by Paramahansa Yogananda]

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