
curiosity, especially intellectual inquisitiveness, is what separates the truly alive from those who are merely going through the motions

1. It’s a Saturday night, what are you up to?  this Saturday night, I was reading and texting
2. When do you have the best energy?  Saturday mornings
3. What are you watching on Netflix?  I only have Amazon Prime. I'm not watching any (new) series at the moment.
4. What’s your theme song?  "The Reflex" by Duran Duran (today)
5.Which movie title best describes your life?  It Happened One Night
6. What’s your decision-making style?  "carpe"
7. If you could live anywhere, where would you live?  with a troubling person...
8. What best describes your style?  clothing: jeans, button-up, sandals. Furniture: "Danish modern." Jewelry: sterling silver or white gold, very simple and unfussy.
10. Which store would you be most likely to shop at?  of all shops anywhere ever?  It's a tie between the old Borders flagship store in A2—I never left there without having spent at least a hundred bucks—and Nine West, which no longer exists as brick-and-mortar either.
12. What color palette do you like most?  This is a very quick designer that I used to make this palette:
13. What font style do you like most?  "Andy's handwriting" (which is nothing like comic sans!) or Georgia
14. What is your favorite social media network?  meh. I use FB the most often, I post the most to Tumblr, IG is often the most engaging...
15. What is your kryptonite?  modern poetry anthologies, sweet purring kitties with personality, or a research quest
17. What is your go-to beverage?  water, most of the time, or tea
18. Where do you get your best ideas?  writing in my journal, bubbling up from my sleep, or via random challenges from D
19. What is your favorite way to travel?  with my travel-friend
20. What word best describes how you were as a child?  inquisitive
21. What does your calendar look like?  if this means "show a picture of the calendar hanging in your house"--I don't have one. They create stress. If this means "how horrid is your personal schedule," on a scale from 0-10 with 10 being the worst, it is currently 6. This week I have a hair appointment, 3 odd deliveries, and a work appointment on Wednesday that I'm dreading. Besides that, there's a huge assignment to complete on Monday. I also need to run to the office either Monday or Tuesday, to pick up the monthly report project (running to about 600 pages this month, which is about average). And probably across the river a couple of times this week for work errands. And I skipped the "one-on-one" with my boss last month, which will come back to haunt me sooner or later. Goddamn it, my head is pounding just thinking about all this. Fuck.
22. Who is your ideal mentor?  my actual mentor is my ideal mentor. Convenient, eh?
24. What area of your life would you like to improve the most?  finances. The cascade effect would be positive overall.
25. Who is your alter ego?  the version of me that used to go to church, didn't swear, and wore Eastland boat shoes for years
26. Which award would you like to receive?  any writing award would do
27. How do you define success?  material and/or career satisfaction
28. How would you describe your perfect home?  I'll know it when I see it. It would be nice to have room for a pool table again, and a ping pong table, too. Maybe in a walk-out basement.
29. What are you most comfortable with?  what an odd question! I'm most comfortable with 8.5 hours of sleep, 2 c. Cheerios for breakfast, 4 cups of blackberry sage or cranberry blood orange tea before noon, indoor temps between 62 and 72, outdoor temps between 60 and 70, massages every 2 weeks, hair color every 5 weeks, hair cuts every 10 weeks, a firm mattress, alcohol with no bubbles and very little ice, movies with subtitles on, a smaller (and lighter) cellphone, a car with heated seats...
30. If you could know the absolute truth to one question, what would it be?  am I wasting my time?
31. What keeps you up at night?  see #30, above
32. How many times per week do you make time for fun activities?  perhaps too often
33. When you have something exciting to share, how do you tell people?  text
34. What do you believe to be true about the world?  it is, for all intents and purposes, round
35. What is your memory like?  the marvelous land of Oz, combined with a fever dream, run through a cheese grater
36. How do you want to see yourself?  in a mirror
37. How do you feel about spending time alone?  it's my life. There are times when I wish it were different, but most of the time it's the way I like it.
38. How do you do your laundry?  every 10-14 days, I break it into 3-4 loads (light, dark, sheets & towels, and sometimes "reds") and wash, generally using the Speed Wash setting. A lot of my clothes are 'hang dry', so I'll arrange all that while tumbling the rest. It takes about 3 hours, plus folding and putting away. Someday I'd like to Have my laundry Done....
39. How would you rate your current health habits?  6 out of 10 and improving
40. What photo best represents your most typical snack? 
roasted lightly salted almonds
41. What are you most likely to eat after a stressful day? 
fudge brownie M&Ms
42. What’s your biggest strength in being visible online?  tie: "bacon eroticism" and poetry
43. What happens when you first sit down to start work in the morning?  ...work?
44. When was the last time you dreamed about your career?  about a week ago, I dreamed that I had a box full of (live) mice whose heads I needed to bite off, one by one. That is a typical Amy-needs-to-get-the-fuck-out-of-this-job dream.
45. What’s your biggest business fear?  getting fired for, um, an ethical dilemma
46. What is your biggest business wish?  being offered a job that suits me professionally and personally, that is challenging and rewarding, that I can do and feel confident and not overwhelmed, and about which I can feel proud and as if I'm doing something meaningful - and making good money, too
47. What’s the biggest roadblock to promoting your blog?  privacy. Or common decency.
49. Which description best reflects your content?  "personal"
[from here; the title quotation is by Tom Robbins, from Villa Incognito]

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