
drive yourself insane tonight, it's not that far away - and I just filled up your tank earlier today

from 225 Conversation Starters 
121. What makes you most uncomfortable about dating? 
    meeting people I don't already know
122. What makes you really angry? 
123. What makes you the happiest?    
    whole days with no phone calls - at work
124. What makes you very sentimental? 
    I was born that way. I've always been the type to cry at movies (or while reading), to get choked up when someone else is sad, and to feel down around the anniversary of big events.
125. What motivates you most in life? 
    connection with people who matter
126. What scares you most about your future? 
    living too long
127. What talent do you wish you had? 
128. What things do you consider to be relationship deal-breakers? 
    yellow cars, large dogs, and ... no, really, it's just someone who doesn't care at all about books or reading. Anything else is just details.
129. What three things are you most grateful for? 
    health insurance, uninhibited hugs, and sunshine
130. What three things do you want to be remembered for? 
    writing, photography, and an easily carried out estate plan
131. What was the biggest punishment you’ve ever received? 
    starting my life over at 34—personally, professionally, financially
132. What was the first job you ever had? 
    chauffeuring the daughter of family friends to her various lessons and practices over the summer. It wasn't quite babysitting, just being available to haul her around. It ended up serving a greater purpose: she is now a physician, a pediatric researcher at a major teaching hospital, and an extraordinarily fine human being, to boot.
133. What was the last thing that made you smile? 
    a call from my favorite person
134. What was your best friend’s name growing up? 
135. What was your favorite thing to do as a kid? 
mmm books
    I read everything in the house, over and over until I'd practically memorized it all. I borrowed the maximum possible from the bookmobile (and was, before long, given the adult max rather than the child limit). I took out whatever I could from the school library during the year. I mean, I read
137. What was your worst wardrobe mistake? 
    the black and white checked shorts ensemble
139. What would you do if you were home alone and the power went out? 
    start one of the fireplaces
141. What’s a good place to eat around your hometown? 
    I haven't had dinner out around home in a year. If I could eat anywhere within driving distance, it would be the chicken place halfway between here and the big city to the west. It's not fancy or even terribly gracious, but the food is outstanding.
142. What’s one movie you could watch over and over? 
    The Breakfast Club
143. What’s one thing you’ve won and how did you win it? 
    I won a golf bag from a national golf magazine for choosing the top 10 finishers of the U.S. Open in 1997. I watched the sport all the time back then, and just did a really good job of knowing who was playing their best.
144. What’s something not many people know about you? 
    I have a collection of chopstick rests, most of which are shaped like fish or beans
145. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? 
    it was non-verbal
146. What’s the most fun project you’ve ever worked on?    
    building the alternative Christmas trees with my dad
147. What’s the nicest thing a family member has ever done for you? 
    my parents kicked in toward the down payment on my house. That was huge.
148. What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had? 
    I have vivid, epic, surreal dreams. I'm not sure I could identify 'weird' in this context.
149. What’s the worst thing one can say on a first date? 
    "What's your name, again?"
150. What’s your all-time favorite band? 
    in terms of overall time played, Alkaline Trio - at the moment

[from here; the title quotation is from "Mercy Me" by Alkaline Trio]

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