
first thing you should do to a soothsayer is poke them in the eye and say, 'Didn’t see that coming, did you?'

1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?  D
yup, I took this picture
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?  sure. I'd like to be famous for writing a great book, for taking a great picture, or for inventing something (probably inadvertently).
5. When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?  I sing all the time at home and in the car. As for singing to someone else... it doesn't happen very often. Almost never.
9. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?  love, the people I care about who love me despite my quirks and issues, and my ability to get by mostly on my own
10. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?  I wouldn't have minded if there were loads more disposable cash
12. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?  perfect stock picks, incredibly efficient writing, or complete calm about other peoples' behavior
13. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future, or anything else, what would you want to know?  how to make $400,000, plus enough for myself to retire on comfortably, quickly and legally
14. Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?  the dream involves someone else, and as much as I'd like to pretend otherwise, I cannot control others' feelings or actions
15. What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?  TBD...
16. What do you value most in a friendship?  not doubting it
17. What is your most treasured memory?  one of them: opening the letter from the state bar association, informing me that I'd passed my exams and would become an attorney
18. What is your most terrible memory?  learning of Chris' death
20. What does friendship mean to you?  presence, in whatever way that fits with a person
22. Share five positive characteristics of yourself: 
    (a) small carbon footprint
    (b) generally quiet
    (c) can be amusing
    (d) cheap date (i.e. very low alcohol tolerance)
    (e) tenacity
23. Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people’s?  no, but neither was it unhappy. It was a good childhood, and I would go back and live it again.
26. “I wish I had someone with whom I could share…”  dessert
28. Tell something you like about your partner, something they might not realize:  he gives amazing hugs
29. Share an embarrassing moment in your life:  I zigged, and he zagged, and my finger went in his eye - during a romantic moment. It kinda killed the mood.
30. When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?  in front of another person: October. By myself: upon hearing of a dear friend's troubles trying to have a child.
31. Tell something that you like about your partner:  ...sturdiness
32. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?  not that they are "too serious," but there are many things that are just outside the boundaries. If you don't know, you won't get it.
33. If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven’t you told them yet?  I would regret not saying the words, "I love you," face to face. I haven't told them because there are times when it is necessary to be silent.
34. Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?  my backup hard drive containing all my photographs and music. No one other thing connects me to so many people in my life, past and present, and helps me feel less lost.

[from here; the title quotation is by Mark Lawrence, from The Liar's Key]

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