
I don't have a drinking problem, 'cept when I can't get a drink

from Good small talk questions
69. Do you want a drink?  I often do, yes, but rarely succumb
 70. What do you typically drink?  sweet tea vodka + lemonade, beers on the lighter side, or wackadoo cocktails that will knock me into next week
71. How many drinks can you do?  I'm a cheap date. One or two will do it, and three will definitely leave me defenseless - and hung-over half the next day.
 72. If you could have any cake on the planet...?  vanilla cake filled with barely sweetened whipped cream and fresh raspberries. That was the dessert at a wedding in my 20s. I have not forgotten how terrific it was.
73. What’s your favorite quirky thing online?  I'm a sucker for checking my blog stats.  As of the time I'm posting this, the blog is less than 300 hits away from 200,000. I realize that as compared to some of the major ones that's a drop in the bucket—but this is a big deal to me.
 74. Have you tried any new food or drink lately?  no, but I'm wanting to try a "wocha" (white chocolate mocha with oat milk) from one of the local places. It's been talked up to me so much that I'm going a little crazy thinking about it.
 75. Are you good at figuring out what song is playing in the background of movies or TV?  that's one of my secret superpowers! It's also a way that I've found some of my very favorite songs and bands, including Elbow!
the patio
76. What was the last crowded venue you attended?  an outdoor pizza place/bar/concert spot down south. It was an absolute riot, with great pizza, fantastic service, and some shit live music.
 77. Do you know everyone in your neighborhood?  not hardly. I am nodding acquaintances with a few people from the radius, know the names of 4, have the phone number of one, and the guy across the street is probably the one I know the best. He's 85 (?), has been retired for 25+ years, cares more for his lawn than most people do for their offspring, and is not too motivated by personal safety. He regularly trades his walker for a snow shovel, which makes me cringe.
83. When did you last go to a bar or restaurant alone?  a couple of years ago, I went across the river to have dinner by myself at a bar. A friend was there but we did not sit together that night.
 85. Do you like to go out for fresh air?  when the weather is warmer, yeah. Spring and fall, it can completely change my mood to be able to get outside for even a few minutes.
86. What’s your favorite holiday?  all things being equal, I quite like Easter. The decorations are the best.
 87. How did you get your current job position?  it was created for me by a histrionic but well-meaning female attorney who has long since left the building
 88. Do you think wearing eyeglasses is a good look?  I have 2 pairs. I rarely wear them when I'm not at home or driving at night. I don't love the way they look and definitely don't love the way that I see with them. Other people look better in them than without them, but not me. D has a pair that I find incredibly attractive.
90. Do you enjoy how hectic the holidays feel sometimes or do you dislike it?  there are times when that makes it seem more special and festive, but overall it feels overwhelming and too pressured for my taste
 91. How’s the house renovation coming along?  it's either very close to done, or barely scratching the surface - depending whether I stay (or how long)
 92. Where is your next vacation planned?  nothing is scheduled, but I'm contemplating a warm-weather jaunt before the spring is over. I've 10 days off in not too long, so I'd like to make the most of it.
 93. Do you like guns?  I don't have any, but people I'm close to do. They don't make me nervous, exactly, like they used to. They definitely don't turn me on. They're tools, like a lot of other tools.
94. What’s your favorite beverage?  lately I've been really into chocolate milk, particularly after I work out
 98. Do you like the people that you work with?  in my department: one is a pretty good friend, though we don't have much in common outside of work; one is almost helpless in the wild and has come to define passive-aggressive in my lexicon; one is close to being an intellectual equal but is a pretentious little prick who becomes unbearable after limited exposure; one is over-eager, fairly smart, self-conscious, and a stress heart attack waiting to happen; one is good people but also the person with whom I interact the least; and the last is a condescending, disrespectful misogynist. What's not to like?
 99. Planning a party sometime soon?  Ha!
100. What do you think about long-distance relationships?  I don't see the point. There is something about the word 'relation'-ship that implies, in my understanding, being more together than not. Long-distance relationships, just as a concept, make me sad.
101. Do you prefer big parties or the ones where everyone knows each other?  no big parties, please God
102. Are you good at cooking?  I'm not bad at it, though I don't love it and don't generally seek out opportunities to show it off. However, I will be making "my signature dish" for someone I adore - who happens to be a tough critic - and am excited to see how that goes.
[from here and adapted to my needs; the title quotation is by Tom Waits, from 'Bad Liver and a Broken Heart']

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