
if we decide to remove those things that do not belong, if we have no doubt as to our capability, we are capable of going forward with the mission that is our destiny

from Good small talk questions
Strictly Ballroom
103. What do you think about dancing?  I have always wanted to take swing dancing lessons, but never had someone with whom to take them. I'm not sure that will ever happen, but it sounds like a whole lot of fun.
 104. Do you think it’s okay to have bad habits?  yep, and everyone does
 106. Would you learn a new language to break the language barrier with someone you love?  I could not love someone without first speaking the same language. Words are too big a deal for me, too much a part of falling in love.
 107. Would you follow your significant other if they got a big promotion at work?  if I were in a position to consider "following," the Significance of the Other would need to be profound
 108. What would your perfect date look like?  Food, entertainment, talking. Holding hands. No phones. Loads of eye contact, and laughing. And smooching.
 110. Ever stole someone’s heart by accident?  I certainly don't understand how to do it on purpose...?
 111. Do you follow fashion trends?  no, I set them
Blue Nile sapphire necklace
 112. If you were into collecting, what kind of things would you collect?  mens' hearts on a skewer, Blue Nile jewelry, and recipes for success
 113. Do you have any siblings?  sure
 114. What kind of people do you follow on social media?  my friends, various acquaintances from high school, and a couple of local stores. Celebrities have enough fame; they don't need me.
 115. Would you ever want to live in another country?  no strong desire, but it's nothing I'm vehemently against, either
 116. Do you need to see your friends often?  I need to know that they're there, often 
118. Would you consider moving halfway across the world for someone you love?  not 'for', but prehaps 'with'
 119. Can life be fulfilling if you don’t have anyone to share it with?  it can...
 120. How much time would you want to spend with your ideal partner?  it's not a "how much" number thing
121. Do you drink alcohol?  yup
 122. What’s the best way to deal with a breakup?  I haven't figured that one out
123. Ever had a crush on someone online?  well yeah, to the extent that he was and is online - not that we met there
 124. What kind of behavior do you find unattractive?  taking advantage of someone's generosity or innocence, intentional cruelty, or coldness
125. Have you ever considered plastic surgery?  I'm so close to my deductible already this year, I'm pretty sure I'll start having elective surgeries by March or so
 126. Are there any hobbies you’re thinking of starting up?  small-scale farming
127. Salt or sugar?  lately it's been a combo, e.g. cashews with M&Ms
128. What’s your cooking specialty?  I'm a baker, not a cook
129. Is your current job what you expected it to be?  my current job is a living nightmare
130. What’s your most frustrating moment at work?  when my boss disparages me in group emails with professionals outside the organization (today anyway)
Between Angels
131. Have you read any good books lately?  one of the Stephen Dunn volumes of poetry. Between Angels, maybe?
132. Do you prefer movies that make you think or the ones that let you relax?  thinking lets me relax
133. Have you heard anything interesting lately?  "You ARE a seething boiling mass of sexual want to be's..."
134. Do you follow the news?  only so much as necessary to get along with people
135. What’s your favorite trip ever?  the first jaunt to KC (so far, anyway!)
136. How do you feel about being away from home when traveling?  that is part of the joy. Changing the venue, getting out of the rut, seeing something new, and redeveloping that appreciation for home.
[from here; the title quotation is by Paulo Coelho, from Maktub]

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