
make your mistakes, take your chances, look silly, but keep on going. Don’t freeze up

from 100 Self-Reflection Questions
24. If you could turn back time, what would you do differently? Why? 
    I would be more discerning. Some of what I was proud of as a younger person, I now look back on with some chagrin.
25. If you had more time to do what you love, what would you do? 
27. If you had the opportunity, what would you tell your childhood self? 
    reading is good, but so is playing—go outside more! And try to talk to someone about the dog thing.
28. If you met your future self, what advice do you think they would share with you? 
    stock picks
30. Name one thing do you want to achieve this year more than anything. 
    career change
31. To what extent do you let others control your decisions? 
    to the extent that I am required by law or necessity... or that I have relinquished control willingly
32. What actions can you take this week/month/year to get you closer to your goals? 
    allocate specific time to exercise, apply for jobs, and work on the house
34. What are you most grateful for? 
    clean masks, interest, and grocery delivery
35. What are your proudest moments from this last year? 
    I closed up a case at work that I thought was going to last forever
36. What are your strengths? Your weaknesses? 
    weaknesses: large muscles in my back, public speaking, and cooking pork chops
    strengths: baking cookies, esoteric research, and quadriceps
37. What are your top priorities right now? 
    health, money, and emotional stability
38. What aspects of life are you loving most right now? 
    standing up for myself
39. What bad habit would you like to get rid of?
    drinking pop
40. What battles have you fought and overcome in your life? 
    as I write this, I am watching the film Pearl Harbor. The scene where a 17-year-old nurse was found dead just played out. "Battles" that I've fought? Difficulties that I have overcome? Really??
    It's not all wars, or movies, or battles and drama. It's just life.
41. What brings you joy? 
    hugs, making my friends laugh, good books, and pictures of pets with their mouths wide open
43. What did you learn about yourself this month?
    I can do something temporarily hard that's good for the long run
44. What did you love most about your childhood home? Why was that? 
    I grew up with my four family members in a small neighborhood a few miles outside of town, in a 900-square foot house with 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, and no basement. We didn't have a lot of space, obviously. It was a good place to grow up. It was quiet, there were places to hide out and read, and there was loads to do with my three friends I grew up with. 
   When I drive by there even now, it brings back good memories.  

[from here; the title quotation is by Thomas Wolfe, from You Can't Go Home Again]

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