
that's a part of me...

from 225 Conversation Starters
1. Are you a jealous person? 
    not as I used to be. Jealousy reveals more about insecurity than it does about the desired, which is no compliment to give.
2. Can you tell when someone is lying? 
    depends on the someone. There are certain people from whom it is very obvious. Others, unfortunately, can keep me in the dark with no effort.
3. Did anything make you upset today? 
    someone at work took the time to contact me, reminding me to do something that I had not forgotten
4. Do you consider yourself a spiritual person? How? 
    I think so? I don't know. I suppose it's more that I don't think I'm the reverse, if that makes sense.
5. Do you have a morning ritual? 
    in a sense, yes - a very brief one: breakfast, contacts, vitamins, brush teeth and hair, dive into work
6. Do you have any nicknames? 
7. Do you have any pet peeves? 
    Phone calls with no voicemail. Voicemail is all I have left of one of my friends, so when it's withheld... that stings.
9. Do you prefer cold weather or hot weather? 
    somewhere in between. I'm hoping for a long spring this year—temperatures between 55 and 70, a few days of very heavy rains, and no really hot days until mid-June at least.
10. Do you prefer Polaroid or digital cameras? 
    Polaroid is fun and interesting but impractical for everyday use. I love the ubiquity that digital photography offers.
11. Do you think arguing is part of a relationship? 
    disagreeing certainly is
12. Do you think your priorities have changed since you were younger? 
    definitely! When I was younger, I didn't realize that there was a world outside of myself.
13. Have you been stalked on social media? 
14. Have you ever had a dream where everyone was in their underwear? 
    not exactly
15. Have you ever pursued someone online? 
    only when it was requited
16. Have you ever stolen anything? 
    yup, though not in a very long time
17. Have you ever won an award? 
    sure - several
18. How do you make friends? 
    rarely and with some reluctance
19. How do you spend your mornings? 
    working, yawning, sneezing...
21. How long can you go without checking your phone? 
    a few hours
22. How long have you been at your current job? 
    roughly 944 days
23. How old were you when you had your first job? 
    I started working at the grocery store as a junior in high school
24. How would you describe your last relationship? 
25. How would your last partner describe you? 
    he would say something extremely complimentary that sounds profoundly personal but isn't, yet I'm not going to repeat it here because it would imply something that is not accurate about us
26. If someone gave you 20 dollars, what would you buy with it? 
    a book, or a gift
27. If someone offered to tell you your future, would you accept it? 
    depends on the someone. If it were a person who truly believed in what they were telling, then I would politely refuse. If it was an "adult entertainment purposes only" sort of lark, then I'd go for it.
    My point is that I try not to make jokes out of what other people take seriously.
28. If you were to raise children with someone, what are the most important things you would want them to learn? 
    I've never had to give it much thought. Until I met someone who... about whom... I don't know how to say it. He didn't change my mind, and I didn't feel one way before I met him and the opposite way after. All I know is, before I knew him I'd never thought about really having a child with someone, and I have thought about having a child, with him. If that could have happened, it would have been the best, luckiest, most-loved kid I can imagine. What would I want that child to learn? Whatever he wanted to! Whatever caught her eye, whatever made his heart race, whatever challenged her. Whatever made his eyes sparkle, like her dad's.
29. If you could ask for a miracle, what would it be? 
    oh, how about that alternate universe that I just described in #28, above? I'd give a lot for that. More than anyone might believe.
30. If you could be any age, what age would you choose? 
    at this moment, I'd go back four years and do it right
[from here; the title quotation is from "Me in Honey" by R.E.M.]

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